Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Did Barack Obama just commit treason?

From A Time for Choosing
Posted by Gary at 9:28 AM, Dec. 18, 2009

Just found this one from December of last year, but the information on Offutt air base in Nebraska was new to me. If the blog is correct, this would easily rise to the level of impeachable offense. --rng

A blog everyone should read. Thank you Gary. ---lee

I know there are some that think that Obama commits treason just by showing up to work. Yes, there are more than a few eligibility questions, that sadly, will never be resolved, thanks to a compliant media, and the most corrupt Congress in our nation’s history.

Frankly, I see other acts that border on treason such as the unprecedented power grab that Obama and the corrupt democrat/communist Congress are attempting to engineer with "health care reform." We’ve discussed at length the unconstitutionality of this entire exercise, as well how it effectively renders our Constitution null and void.

I’ve also written at length about the real agenda behind the global warming scam, and how the end game is complete destruction of not only the United States, and the capitalistic system, but literally all of mankind. For those that read the quotes from the various leaders of the global warming movement, and learned of their utter contempt for the United States and humanity itself, it is both shocking and frightening that these people are allowed to roam among us. They all belong in insane asylums!

Certainly, knowing all of this, for Obama to embrace the global warming scam full bore, could easily constitute treason.

But with all of that said, we have an even more serious charge that should end the Obama presidency immediately and see him, and all involved charged with high treason and dealt with in the proper manner, if true.


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