Friday, December 30, 2011


By Timothy N. Baldwin, JD.
April 6, 2010

In a recent article on World Net Daily,[1] it was reported that Congressman Phil Hare (D – IL) admitted on video that he did not care whether or not the U.S. Constitution granted authority to the federal government to execute the recently-passed Health Care law. He openly acknowledged that he does not even know where the constitution grants the authority. Hare tells those constituents asking him questions on the matter, "I don't worry about the Constitution on this to be honest.”[2] That Congress does not worry about the limits of the Constitution is obvious by their actions. Here, we see the subjective intent and motive to ignore the constitution that they swear an oath to uphold.
For many generations the nature, character of form of government as operated under the federal constitution have been completely annihilated from their original ratification by the states from 1787 to 1791. Despite each federal and state politician swearing an oath to uphold the Supreme Law of the Land (which does not equate to federal laws, by the way), our laws and system of government today literally contradicts what it was intended to be when the constitution was ratified.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

America vs. the Globe

Great review from The American Conservative that surely demonstrates that Obama is not the only traitor we have to worry about.----rng

Sovereignty or Submission: Will Americans Rule Themselves or Be Ruled by Others?, John Fonte, Encounter, 449 pages

by James P. Pinkerton | December 14, 2011
“Who governs?” is perhaps the oldest question in political science. And for the vast majority of Americans, it has long been settled—Americans should govern America. Imperfect as our system might be, it’s better than any alternative; we rejected foreign rule more than two centuries ago and have never looked back. Or so we thought.
John Fonte’s Sovereignty or Submission forces us to reconsider whether our independence is necessarily a permanent thing. Fonte warns against the power of “transnational progressives” here and around the world—those who seek to diminish, even eliminate, U.S. sovereignty as part of their overall global project.
Fonte, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington D.C., makes a persuasive case that Americans should be worried because even as one-worldism is rejected by the masses, it is still embraced, in one form or another, by much of the elite—the corporate right as well as the intellectual left. If the American public isn’t paying attention, the elites will, in the end, have their way.
To be sure, whenever elite globalism and popular support for sovereignty collide head to head, the elitists lose—they are outvoted. We might consider, for example, the deep popular skepticism about the United Nations. While the UN is not at the forefront of most Americans’ minds, when it does become a political issue it’s almost always because the international body is doing something citizens don’t like, such as playing host to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez.
Meanwhile, UN peacekeepers seem to be either useless or dangerous. Here’s a Reuters headline from September: “Uruguay apologizes over alleged rape by U.N. peacekeepers”—apologizing, that is, for a recent gang-rape incident in Haiti, the country that Uruguayan soldiers were supposed to be safeguarding.
So much for the UN as a politically plausible expression of New World Orderism. But how about other kinds of international organization? For example, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change? The green globalcrats had a good run for a few years, long enough to secure a Nobel Peace Prize for Al Gore, yet support for cap-and-trade burst at about the same time as the world economy. Upon reflection, does anybody really think that China was on board with carbon caps? The Chinese are smart enough to make green tech if we want to buy it from them, but they are not so dumb as to think that such technology is better, on their own homefront, than good cheap coal.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Obama is a traitor!

from wnd
by Larry Klayman

Posted: December 16, 2011
4:56 pm Eastern
© 2011 
Barack Hussein Obama, our president, is a traitor. Finally, his hatred for our nation and his plan to destroy it are crystal clear. He must be forced from office – legally – before our entire country goes down the drain for the final count!
Much has gone on in the last three years to show Obama's true colors, sympathetic not to Judeo-Christians values and culture, but Islam and its surrogate-controlled states.
First there was his canceling the White House National Day of Prayer and instead feasting the Muslim holiday of Ramadan – using the latter as an occasion to to endorse the building of a mosque at Ground Zero in New York City. Then he refused to allow Jewish and Christian clergy to speak and give prayer at the 10th anniversary of September 11! He did this with the help of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who I believe is a self-hating Jew who also endorsed the mosque at Ground Zero and its terrorist-linked Imam Feisal Rauf.
Then, and second, there was Obama's disrespect and disdain for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Natanyahu, when BHO abruptly left a meeting in the White House to have dinner with Michelle Obama, his socialist and far-leftist wife. If this were not bad enough, Obama has done everything he can to harm Israel, the home of Jesus and Moses and our only ally in the Middle East. Notwithstanding the spirituality of the Holy Land is the simple fact that Israel safeguards the West's oil supply. If this oil falls into the wrong hands, our economy – however bad it is – will tank and go right through the floor along with the rest of the free world.
Third, Obama and his socialist if not communist comrades in the administration, coupled with anti- Christian and anti-Semitic atheists, undermined pro-American governments in Egypt and throughout the Middle East. Now the Middle East, save for Israel, is controlled almost exclusively by radical Islamist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, which not only want to destroy the Jewish state, kill all Jews and Christians eventually, but also take over the world with their inhuman brand of Shariah law. The Middle East now looks like a small version of the Roman empire, only the Romans are not in charge; radical Islam is.
Fourth, Obama is ...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Can We Impeach the Traitor-in-Chief Now?

This post is a year old, but serves to illustrate there are endless reasons to impeach Obama.---rng

"Nevertheless, if Scottish authorities come to the conclusion that [convicted Lockerbie bomber Mohammed al] Megrahi must be released from Scottish custody, the US position is that conditional release on compassionate grounds would be a far preferable alternative to prisoner transfer." – Baracrook Hussein ØbetrayUS's deputy dumbassødor Richard LeBaron, August 12, 2009.

oor abused, mistreated terrorist mass murderer of 270 American, British, and other unsuspecting men, women, and children.
Fortunately for him and his terrorist pals, he and they have a strong friend and ally at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC.
Disintegration of aircraft The explosion punched a 20-inch-wide hole on the left side of the fuselage, almost directly under the 'P' in Pan Am. The disintegration of the aircraft was rapid....   
Shock waves from the blast ricocheted back from the fuselage skin in the direction of the bomb, meeting pulses still coming from the initial explosion. This produced Mach stem shock waves, calculated to be 25% faster than, and double the power of, the waves from the explosion itself. These Mach stem waves pulsing through the ductwork bounced off overhead luggage racks and other hard surfaces, jolting the passengers. A section of the 747's roof several feet above the point of detonation peeled away....
Then the whole front section of the aircraft, containing the flight deck with crew and the first class section, broke away altogether.... When the fuselage disintegrated the cabin depressurised to a quarter of ground-level pressure, leaving the passengers fighting for breath. Because of the sudden change in air pressure, the gases inside the passengers' bodies would have expanded to four times their normal volume, causing their lungs to swell and then collapse.
The explosion knocked out the power plunging the passenger cabin into darkness. A Scottish Fatal Accident Inquiry, which opened on 1 October 1990, heard that, when the cockpit broke off, the fuselage was now an open cylinder. Tornado-force winds tore up the aisles slamming into the chest making it even more difficult to breathe and stripping the clothes off the passengers. Some were thrown to the rear. Other people and objects not fixed down were blown out of the aircraft into the night at temperatures of -46 °C, their 31,000-foot fall through the night time troposphere lasting about two minutes. Some passengers remained attached to the fuselage by their seat belts, crashing to earth strapped to their seats.
Although the passengers would have lost consciousness through lack of oxygen, forensic examiners believe some of them might have regained consciousness as they fell toward oxygen-rich lower altitudes. Forensic pathologist Dr William G. Eckert, director of the Milton Helpern International Center of Forensic Sciences at Wichita State University, who examined the autopsy evidence, told Scottish police he believed the flight crew, some of the flight attendants, and 147 other passengers survived the bomb blast and depressurisation of the aircraft, and may have been alive on impact. None of these passengers showed signs of injury from the explosion itself, or from the decompression and disintegration of the aircraft. Forensic tests on some of the bodies suggested that their heartbeats may have continued after the explosion, and David McMullon, a helicopter pilot who was involved in the search for bodies, claimed to have found one victim who was clutching a handful of grass....
The resultant fireball destroyed several houses and was so intense that little remained of the left wing of the aircraft. No remains were ever found of any of the passengers who were seated over this section of the wing....
All 243 passengers and 16 crew members were killed. Eleven residents of Lockerbie also died. Of the total of 270 fatalities, 190 were American citizens. The 270 victims of the bombing came from 21 countries.
Dr Eckert told Scottish police that distinctive marks on Captain MacQuarrie's thumb suggested he had been hanging onto the yoke of the plane as it descended, and may have been alive when the plane crashed. The captain, first officer, flight engineer, a flight attendant and a number of first-class passengers were found still strapped to their seats inside the nose section when it crashed in a field by a tiny church in the village of Tundergarth. The inquest heard that the flight attendant was alive when found by a farmer's wife, but died before her rescuer could summon help....
Four members of one family, Jack and Rosalind Somerville and their children Paul and Lynsey, died when their house at 15 Sherwood Crescent exploded.
Kathleen Flannigan,41, Thomas Flannigan,44, and their daughter Joanne,10, were killed by the explosion in their house 16 Sherwood Crescent. Their son Steven, 14, saw the fireball engulf his home from a neighbour's garage where he had gone to repair his sister's bicycle....
For many days, Lockerbie residents lived with the sight of bodies in their gardens and in the streets....