Thursday, October 27, 2011

Barack Obama, America’s First Elected Traitor President

Rev. Lainie Dowell
Aug. 3rd, 2010

Americans have drawn a line in the sand to say the all out partisan political corruption across this nation stops here and now! Politicos got comfortable in believing their money and global contacts could propel them into powerful positions here whereby they could leap from there into fame, fortune, and notoriety “by any means necessary” whether citizens liked it or not. That philosophy also ushered in Barack Hussein Obama who is neither a novice nor a political innocent. He is nobody’s pawn. He is the leader of decades-long negative propaganda and deception via the Saul Alinsky methodology and his outrageous agenda, though well known, remains ongoing.

America will never regain her national standing in the world until and unless Americans stop being politically correct and start becoming straightforward about the dangers this nation is confronted with. There is a traitor in the White House Oval Office and he is surrounded by co-conspirators who are also actors in his destructive scenario. Let me be clear (as Barack Obama loves to say). There is a definite difference between the character and motives of any elected leader coming into such an honorable position with stated intent and actions towards destroying our national way of life and those who step forth to disclose it and resist it.
The citizenry who have enough common sense to realize the dangers we face because of their actions dare to take on these traitors to stop them before they can complete their task. They are patriot heroes of today. Mark them well, because their day will come when American people will look back and properly thank them for their faith, honor, valor, trust, courage, and patriotism. One such deserving non politico hero is LTC Terry Lakin who is standing up to defend the constitutional oath he took upon enlisting in the military. Support him. Let him know he is not alone. Thank him for his stand. Pray his peace in the Lord God. Thank God for him. His victory is already assured!
[Disclaimer: My comments about LTC Lakin and the “Safeguard Our Constitution” site are not endorsed or advocated by them. But, I would be remiss if I allowed such a governmental atrocity to pass by unnoticed and without comment and recognition that “There but for the grace of God go (any of us).”]
Americans can distinguish between people who desire to help us from those who are determined to hurt and even kill us. This present Obama administration continues to dig into the core of America’s fabric to pull loose every thread and leave her totally naked and vulnerable before this nation and the world. As well, Obama has further startled onlookers by labeling our friends as enemies and our enemies he has embraced as friends. No surprise there!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Bachmann agrees with "impeach" Obama wish


October 4, 2011 10:22 PM

     NEWTON, Iowa -- With a well-established track record for raising eyebrows on the stump, Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota on Wednesday agreed with a man who expressed a desire to get Obama "out of the way."
     After visiting a coffee shop in this small Iowa town, Bachmann was asked by a man in the crowd, "When will we impeach him and get him out of the way? We should be" The candidate replied, "Well, I'll tell you, I'll tell you, I agree, I agree. Some people are really upset." Then she moved on to the next well-wisher.
     After the incident, campaign spokesperson Alice Stewart told CBS News: "She was not saying that she agrees that Obama should be impeached. She agreed with the man on what they were talking about before- that people are frustrated."
     The incident came after she gave her standard stump speech at Uncle Nancy's coffee shop, a popular stop for presidential candidates courting voters in the first-in-the-nation caucus state. About 60 people turned out to hear Bachmann.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Obama impeachment a possibility, says Ron Paul

Ron Paul said Monday that President Barack Obama’s targeted killing of Anwar al-Awlaki might be an impeachable offense.
Asked at a Manchester, N.H. town hall meeting about last week’s killing of the American-born Al Qaeda leader, the Texas congressman said impeachment would be “possible,” but that he wants to know more about how the administration “flouted the law.”

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Obama on al-Awlaki's death

Paul called the killing a movement toward “tyranny.”
“I put responsibility on the president because this is obviously a step in the wrong direction,” Paul said. “We have just totally disrespected the Constitution.”
The comments once again put Paul at odds with his Republican rivals over foreign policy and the war on terror in the latest indication of how his foreign policy views stray far from Republican orthodoxy even in a GOP that’s taken on an increasingly isolationist bent. Candidates like Michele Bachmann and Mitt Romney — who included the president in a list of people he commended in a statement released Friday — have generally been supportive of the killing. No one else in the field has spoken out against it.
But Paul’s stuck with the civil libertarians who’ve criticized the targeted killing of an American citizen without public due process.
Paul, speaking at the University of New Hampshire’s Manchester campus as part of a brief swing through the state, also made another pitch for eliminating the federal income tax.

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Impeachable Offenses? Has Obama Crossed the Line?

Sorry we didn't catch this one earlier, but still a good read.  Just how much do we have to have on the unnatural born un-President to get him out?  Seems like impeachment is a useless and unused part of the Constitution.--rng

by Liz Blaine
Posted on February 21 2011 7:00 am 

     And so it begins. As Islamist insurrections erupt across the world, President Obama incites a battle at home between producers and parasites that his union supporters parallel with the struggle of the Egyptian people. Interjecting himself into the sovereign matters of state governments Obama moved to directly violate the expressed will of the Wisconsin People by actively mobilizing his political organization to affect contractual relationships between the state and its employees, and supporting the shut down of the Wisconsin state government - a direct violation of his oath of office. Ignited by Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s proposal to limit public sector collective bargaining rights for benefits by requiring union members to contribute 12.6% of their income towards their healthcare plans and 5.8% towards their pension, DNC Chairman Timothy M. Kaine worked in close coordination with President Obama’s political apparatus, Organizing for America (OFA), and state & national union leaders to rally public sector employees to protest at state capitals across the nation this month (here, here, here, here and here.)
     A Community Organizer is paid to foment resentment and class envy. That’s how they gain power and influence. The Agitator-In-Chief fueled the flames of union dissension, declaring limits on collective bargaining rights an “assault on unions,” encouraged mob rule aross the nation to negate the last elections, and directly violated the powers reserved to the States in the U.S. Constitution’s 10th Amendment. Quoting Mark Jefferson, executive director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, in an RPW press release,

“To willfully prevent elected officials from performing their official duties in order to circumvent the legislative process flies in the face of democracy. “
     President Obama has radical ideas about the relationship between the federal and state governments. As head of the federal government, he has no standing to organize or allocate resources to interfere with a state’s contractual relationship, to openly encourage an illegal strike by militant protestors to shut down a state government, or interfere in any way with a state’s ability to conduct its business. All are impeachable offenses. But as the Heritage Foundation Morning Bell outlines, this is precisely what President Obama did.
“President Barack Obama has federalized the issue, throwing the full weight of the White House, the Democratic National Committee, and his own Organizing for America operation behind government unions, with the assistance of the SEIU and AFSCME unions.” 
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