Sunday, July 3, 2011

Obama begins immediate attacks against USA and We-the-People Obama Not Subject to Charges of Treason?

Sher Zieve  Saturday, June 18, 2011
from Canada Free Press

Treason is generally defined as “betrayal of country: a violation of the allegiance owed by somebody to his or her own country, e.g. by aiding an enemy.”  High treason is defined as “treason perpetrated by somebody against his or her own country.”  Another apt definition of treason is “any attempt to overthrow the government or impair the well being of a state to which one owes allegiance; the crime of giving aid or comfort to the enemies of one’s government.”

It is my contention that Barack Hussein Obama has perpetrated all of these.  It is also my assertion that our current Congress and an increasingly leftist court system have allowed—and are continuing to allow—Obama to perpetrate such treachery upon the United States of America and its citizens. 

Obama begins immediate attacks against USA and We-the-People

Prior to his announced campaign for President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama was never vetted as to his eligibility to run for the office.  Almost immediately after Barack Hussein Obama’s 2008 election to the most powerful position in the USA and, arguably the world, one of his first—if not the first—Executive fiats issued was that all of his prior records (school transcripts, passport information, his birth certificate etc) were to be sealed and summarily hidden from the American people and the world.  Since that time, Obama has produced multiple “birth certificates” that have each been proven to be fraudulent, including the ostensible long-form birth certificate released 27 April 2011.
Almost immediately thereafter and within the first week of his ostensible presidency, Obama issued Executive Orders to fund foreign countries abortions, donate at least $20Millions to terrorist Hamas (under the guise of “Palestinian relief”) and began testing his ability to censor and/or end the First Amendment by order via another Executive Order to ban showing or posting the video of his retaking the Oath of Office.  Along with myriad other mysteries, one has to ponder why this was a great concern to Obama.
Shortly thereafter, Obama issued another Executive Order that brought the Census bureau under his sole jurisdiction and control.  This strongly appears to have been affected by Obama, in order that he—alone—would have the ability to control and skew any and all census results that did not meet with his approval.  After he gained (many say “usurped”) the Office of the US Presidency, Obama—almost instantly—began attempts to unravel the US Constitution’s First Amendment.  These attempts ranged from banning and refusing to speak with reporters who asked him tough questions to actually locking them in closets!  With no one stopping him the Obama syndicate becomes increasingly bolder and more criminal every day.
Obama’s Dictatorship begins expanding (almost) exponentially

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