Sunday, July 18, 2010

Polling Place Treason

Still not sure if he’s a traitor?

So, you and your spouse are going to the polling place to cast your vote, to celebrate democracy and your freedom, when suddenly your way is blocked by two Black Panther thugs armed with clubs.

“You ain’t goin’ nowhere, cracker, honky. We ain’t letting no white devils vote. “

“Why, this is an outrage,” you protest, and you summon the police. Guess what. It won’t do any good.

It is perfectly OK for people of color to threaten and intimidate you if you are white. By the way, don’t think being Black or Hispanic will protect you forever. They’ll get to you and sooner than you think. ”One person said the men called a Republican poll worker a “race traitor” and told him there would be “hell to pay,’” according to an article in World Net Daily.

So, who says it’s O.K. for non-whites to intimidate whites at polling places. Eric Holder’s justice department says so. Non-President Obama says so by his silence. Non-white people will not be prosecuted for threatening or injuring you in the future if you attempt to vote. Shades of Zimbabwe. What’s next? Are Obama’s minions going to confiscate your farm, your business, or even your family?

Don’t think it can happen here? Read this article from World Net Daily. It alleges that the justice department has instructed its attorneys that “the voting section will not bring any other cases against blacks and other minorities.”

Understand, you can be throttled and clubbed when you are trying to vote and that’s just fine with the Department of Justice.

What are you going to do about it? Will you call your Congressman and demand the impeachment of Obama for treason for failing to protect the vote?

Obama, who said he would be everybody’s president, should fire Holder on the spot and make a public apology to the American people, and resume the prosecution. But he won’t.

Conclusion: one more proof of treason.

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