Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Obama's Border Patrol Chief: Give Illegals ‘Road to Citizenship,’ Let Mexicans Work Here Legally in Future

A sneaky new concept from our sneaky government.  The unenlightened people must update their thinking to that of the enlightened elites via a "paradigm shift."  In other words, if you weren't stuck in that mean old paradigm of the Constitution and patriotism you would allow a flood of illegal immigrants to steal the food out of the mouths of your children while bloating the incomes of the treasonous corpofascist elites and their flunkies in D.C.---rng

   Hmmm, I thought it was fair to let the people who immigrated here first, to apply first, and get naturalized first. Am I wrong ? I must be, because everybody from the president on down to the good commissioner, Mr. Bersin, says differently.  ------lee

Monday, October 18, 2010
By Edwin Mora

     (CNSNews.com) - U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Alan Bersin, who oversees both the Customs Service and the Border Patrol, says the United States needs to undertake a “paradigm shift” in how it views the U.S.-Mexico border.

     This shift, Bersin explained in a speech last Thursday at the Migration Policy Institute in Washington, D.C., would include both a “road to citizenship” for illegal aliens and understanding that the “best way” to secure the border is to allow Mexicans to work in the United States legally in the future—to create what he called “a legitimate labor market between the United States and Mexico.”
     On Monday, a CBP spokesperson told CNSNews.com that what Bersin meant by this was “having a temporary worker program that is conducive to our labor needs.”
     The unemployment rate in the United States was at 9.6 percent in September and has been at 9.5 percent or higher since August 2009, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

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