Please, God, don't let this be true. Obama is the most impeachable President this country has ever had. He is sworn to defend the border and now U.S. citizens are getting caught in the crossfire, like the Texas guardsman, Ramirez. If this President is not held accountable, no President can be held accountable. The Republican revolution will last no longer than six months if they do not move to end off shoring, outsourcing and illegal immigration.---rng
It looks like the fix is in. Californian Rep. Darryl Issa has decided that Obama is not derelict in his duty as president to protect the US from enemies foreign and domestic and will not proceed with impeachment hearings.
By Jordan Fabian
10/22/10 08:14 AM ET
If Republicans take control of the House, there is "not a chance at this point" that they will try to impeach President Obama, a top Republican lawmaker said this week.
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), who would helm the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee if the GOP wins on Election Day, said that his party will not try to bring impeachment charges simply because it disagrees with the president.
"Not a chance at this point. I don’t see it happening," Issa said when asked if there is a chance of impeachment on Bloomberg's "Political Capital," which airs over the weekend.
"Look, disagreeing with the president — the president using his authority, maybe even misusing it — that’s not what impeachment’s for," he added. "Do we have disagreements? Yes. Do we want to see that the president strictly adheres to process? Yes."
Some Republicans, such as Rep. Michele Bachmann (Minn.) and former Rep. Tom Tancredo — who is running for governor of Colorado as a third-party candidate — have raised the specter of impeaching Obama, largely over his stance on immigration policy.
Tancredo originally proposed impeachment this year, and Bachmann said that should be left for Congress to decide.
Democrats had to answer similar questions before they took control of the House in 2006. Some believed they could bring impeachment charges against then-President George W. Bush over his prosecution of the war in Iraq and his policy on warrantless wiretaps. Party leaders eventually ruled out the move.
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