Can you say America First, Dr. Hernandez? Probably not, your tongue would break in two. It's very difficult to inculcate ideas of loyalty to one's new country into new immigrants when we have people like Dr. Hernandez confusing them with thoughts of dual loyalties. I can't put this any stronger than to say this is an extremely bad idea if not outright treason to promote such behaviour. The only thing worse is John McCain's senile's defense and collaboration with the good doctor and Obama's acquiessence. ----lee
Kevin McCullough
"We are betting that the Mexican-American population in the United States... will think Mexico FIRST! ...But now I want the third generation, the seventh generation, I want them all to think 'Mexico FIRST'," so said Dr. Juan Hernandez on the popular broadcast Nightline, June 7, 2001.
Anyone who has seen the dual-citizened Hernandez in media interviews knows that his rhetoric is offered with forked tongue smoothness. As a former advisor to Mexico's former president Vicente Fox, his credentials for having less than 100% loyalty to America's interests is easy to point out.
He has in his own words defended Mexican bus operators bringing illegal aliens to America. He is on record as supporting driver's licenses for illegals in the U.S., in addition he has advocated vociferously for easier methods for illegals to send money earned in the U.S. via special banking agreements to Mexican citizens, as well as advocating for the implementation of mortgage programs for illegals who are working in America. Sum it up by saying that on nearly every issue in which the American interest was at odds with the interest of Mexican illegals, or Mexican nationals - Hernandez sided against America.
So why should anyone care?
Well for starters he has been closely related to the McCain campaign for President 2008. Which is troubling for many reasons.
In the border fence debate in 2007, McCain showed more contempt for his fellow Americans, his fellow Senators, and the voters he was even then campaigning in front of than can be recalled in recent years. Claiming to literally "know more" about the issue of border security/illegal immigration than anyone else in the room, he watched in anger as his arrogance went down to flaming defeat. Showing even more contempt for the American people he has mocked citizen border patrol who voluntarily use their time insure legal border passage of those seeking it. And with a reverberation that echoed around the nation John McCain cursed American voters by saying, "I think the fence is least effective. But I'll build the goddamned fence if they want it."
to read entire article...
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