Thursday, September 2, 2010

How to Impeach a President

It continues to amaze what one can find on the internet. Every once and while I find something so helpful I have to send it on to my readers. As the saying goes, don't do this at home(do it in as many places you can find with as many people you can find.) ---lee


An impeachment of a United States president is rare, but it has happened on two occasions and been proposed a number of other times. Because it's one of the most dramatic and important happenings in politics, you should learn the process of how to impeach a president.

Difficulty: Challenging(no kidding!)--l

1. Begin impeachment proceedings in the House Judiciary Committee, which is a subcommittee in the House of Representatives. The House Judiciary Committee considers evidence for of wrongdoing, and votes whether to pass the matter along to the entire body.

2. Schedule formal hearings. The House Judiciary Committee holds hearings investigating any allegations against the president.

3. Draw up articles of impeachment. The House Judiciary Committee composes articles of impeachment outlining the crimes the president has committed and the evidence of those crimes. According to the United States Constitution, the House of Representatives may impeach the president for "high crimes and misdemeanors."

4. Take a vote on whether to send the articles of impeachment to the full House of Representatives for a vote. If a majority of the members of the House Judiciary Committee votes to send the articles on, they are then submitted.

5. Vote on the articles of impeachment. The House votes on whether to accept the articles of impeachment. To impeach a president, a majority of the members must vote for the articles of impeachment. The articles of impeachment are then sent to the Senate.

6. Consider the articles of impeachment in the Senate. If the House of Representatives votes to impeach the president, the Senate can remove him from office with a two-thirds majority vote. The senate runs the hearing much like a trial. The president is found guilty of his alleged crimes if two thirds of the Senate votes to remove him from office.

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