From the Detroit Republican Examiner via
by Michael Curcuru
I can't think of anyway of hiding my feelings on our president. I want to remain respectful, but pretending Obama is democrat with a heart larger than most liberals doesn't describe his performance so far. The man is clearly trying to change America. The man took an oath to defend the laws of our country and there is no way to excuse his non action concerning the new immigration law in Arizona. Not only has he refused to act when clearly there is a problem, he is now flaunting his refusal to act. He knows there are votes if he can legalize all these illegals. He is clearly not defending America.
Obama's actions with the health care plan was unprecedented and will prove to be illegal. Over 18 states have filed law suits on his plan he passed only because he offered bribes and twisted arms. The tactics he used overshadow any good that could possibly come from a national health care plan. The estimates of the costs have recently skyrocketed now that the committee that analyzes costs has had time to evaluate it. He isTRYING to bankrupt our country. Literally.
After spending 80 billion dollars on the first stimulus program, they are now going to pour another 20 billion into another stimulus package. The result from the first program over a year old now has produced nothing. He has also tried to ruin the banking industry, and is trying to take over several other industries. The democrats are planning a VALUE ADDED TAX that from all indications will not only cost jobs, but will decimate any commerce in our country.
Even if you agree with Obama and think that we should apologize for being a great country, how can you still call yourself an American if you agree with his performance so far. He hasn't had an open press conference since October 2009. Why do you think that is? Isn't this supposed to be an open government with debates being shown on C-Span? Remember that promise? Even his own party can see what his real intentions are. TO CHANGE AMERICA TO A SOCIALIST COUNTRY. If we were taken over by another country, these are the things that would be forced on us. Higher taxes. Government taking over the banking, industries, and enforcing only the laws they want to enforce. We used to be a different country from the rest of the world, and the rest of the world was accepting our type of government as a great way to run their own countries.
A year ago, if someone wrote an article claiming Obama was really a socialist, they would have been called an over zealous conservative trying to deface the Obama presidency. Today, it is readily accepted that he is a radical socialist. To see Obama standing next to the Mexican president lecturing our country on our laws when their own immigration laws are much harsher is amazing to me. Obama stood there like the proud dad listening to his son lecturing his grandchildren to clean up their rooms. Obama not only hasn't tried to enforce the immigration laws on the books, he clearly has demonstrated he has no intention of doing so. Besides costing jobs, the illegal immigrants send billions of dollars earned in the United States back to Mexico. That is money that would go back into our own communities if these jobs were held by American workers. The old excuse that no one wants these jobs here is pure propaganda. How can you say no one wants these jobs when we have over 10% unemployment in America.
Obama has refused to protect America also. The open borders are an invitation to all kinds of illegals that want to enter our country and kill Americans. We have become the laughing stock of the world with Iran and North Korea both continuing with their nuclear programs. They know what most of Americans have become to realize. Our government lacks guts, and what's worse, they want us to fall from being the world leader.
Obama has not lived up to the oath he took as president. He continually stomps all over our constitution and is trying to change our freedoms and rights with his socialistic czars and policies. He has surrounded himself with radical, incompetent, traitors and he has to be stopped.
There are numerous radio personalities like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levine continually bringing out the real motives of our president. Fox news has become the most watched news station in the country by showing the real agenda of this administration. Glenn Beck has shown the basic philosophy of governments in general and shown the quotes and writings of some of the most radical, liberal minds of the last century clearly analyzing Obama's motives. These radio and television personalities are successful, intelligent Americans who will be remembered as some of our greatest citizens. They have led and supplied the information showing Obama's true agenda.
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