Monday, September 6, 2010

The case for treason at the highest levels of government

From Bill Wilson

Imagine the uproar if the US government was found to be funding the renovation of your local church, or releasing large amounts of taxpayer money to an umbrella organization of churches for pet projects? The American Civil Liberties Union would jump on that screaming "separation of church and state." The major network news programs would think they had just won broadcast awards for breaking news. Every leftist demagogue in Congress would be demanding an inquiry. There would be cries for a special prosecutor to be appointed to investigate everyone involved. But the truth is, this government, headed by the man who occupies the Oval Office, is using your money to fund Muslim jihadists.

The State Department, for example, has a list of some 26 Islamic mosque renovation projects that are being funded by your tax dollars. These projects, listed on the State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs website, are using tax dollars to rehab mosques in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Pakistan, Bulgaria, Mali, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Tanzania, Algeria, Uganda, even in Sudan where Arab Muslims have killed all the Christians and are now killing the African Muslims. The State Department says its perfectly Constitutional because it's to preserve culture, not religion. The Daily Caller writes that the US Agency for International Development has also spent millions on mosques in Egypt and Cyprus.
But that's not all. Christine Brim of the Center for Security Policy broke the story that the Department of Agriculture was to meet with 25-30 Muslim leaders of the Coordinating Council of Muslim Organizations on August 31. The purpose of the meeting was to show the Muslims how to gain direct access to "funding, government assistance, and resources." This organization has direct ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist umbrella waging "Civilization Jihad" on the United States. An extensive search of the news, White House, and USDA websites revealed no trace of the meeting, which was announced through a newsletter email by the Islamic Society of North America, a known terrorist financier.

The White House surely knows that the government is using our tax dollars to fund our enemies. The president is attempting to hide these actions by conducting them through nontraditional venues such as the Department of Agriculture and NASA. This is no less than treason. What's worse is that even though these scoundrels are playing Americans for dupes, the government watchdogs--the free press--won't report it. This makes them accessories to treason. The prophecy of the Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 3:13 is in play: "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." Christ is the answer as He is truth. But if we do not act, is it not salt that has lost its savor?

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