Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Moral Treason of President Barack Obama: 'Safe Schools Czar' Pedophile-Pushing Reading List

Lately, I've been traveling far afield from explicit high crimes(treason) against President Obama. Today, I wish to include misdemeanors. These include destroying the moral fiber of youth and the general public. This is just a summary (for some a surprise introduction to some members of Obama's administration). Take care reading this. ----lee


Date: 12/9/2009 1:04:41 PM
As this blog entry makes clear, our nation's president has chosen a purveyor of sexual perversion to serve as his "Safe Schools Czar." President Obama's choice of Kevin Jennings to serve in this influential post is enough to disqualify the president from public service in the United States of America for the rest of his natural life.

Promoting what you will read below in our nation's school is as treasonous as selling secrets to the enemy. John Adams said that our government was made only for a "moral and religious people," and George Washington said that "Religion and morality" are "indispensable supports" of the "habits which lead to political prosperity." "In vain, "Washington added, "would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great Pillars."

At a minimum, then, President Obama cannot claim to be a patriot, and his "Safe Schools Czars" is a traitor to his country on the level of Benedict Arnold. I have no hesitation in challenging their patriotism right here, right now and declaring that both of them are reprehensibly un-American.

Gateway Pundit has a breakdown of the reading list for America's public schools developed by President Obama's "Safe Schools Czar," Kevin Jennings.

Jenning's life work has been the founding and development of GLSEN, the Gay, Lesian, and Straight Education Network, which is designed to promote the normalization of homosexuality and other sexual perversions in America's public school system.

Along the way, GLSEN has developed an extensive list of books which they recommend to teachers and schools. These books can easily be ordered through GLSEN's website. The excerpts published at Gateway Pundit come from books which GLSEN recommends for students in grades 7-12.

To read the entire article....

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