Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Inner Workings of Treason

Some people were paying attention from the "get go." Note the date this was written. Excellent article.

posted by Lee

From the
Sep 17, 2008 by Mark L Harvey

As more and more data becomes exposed and more prominent writers
than I begin revealing the treasonous and treacherous activities of
one Barack Obama, we begin to see the inner workings of Obama's
handlers, mainly George Soros.

Radarsite brings us a list - a growing list - of fellow Enemies of
The State and their consortium of those that would subvert America's
founding. That piece is entitled, Obama's Endorsements From Our
Enemies. IBD Editorials brings us Obama's Double-Dealing Diplomacy
that will create an atmosphere of more harm to our Troops all in the
name of political gain. As I and many others have so stated, this
should be the Scandal of the Century as WUA so stipulates but we
will not hold our breathe on that one, shall we? From IBD:
[...] Neither of these claims, often repeated by leftist historians,
has ever been proven. But the statement of Iraq's foreign minister,
speaking to a leading writer on foreign policy, is considerably
stronger as evidence. It signals that Obama places politics over the
national interest to the extent that he would work against his own
public positions to gull voters into electing him.

It's the absolute opposite of John McCain's courageous position
supporting the surge in Iraq, even as politicos were warning him
he'd lose the election for it. "I'd rather lose an election than
lose a war," McCain said.

With Obama's promises to sit down with dictators in Venezuela, Cuba,
Syria and Iran, voters have a right to ask if he's made any deals at
odds with his public condemnations of them, too. Before he starts
acting like president, he needs to come clean to voters and reveal
his true positions. Whatever they are, voters have a right to know.

To continue reading...

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