Tuesday, August 31, 2010

'Impeach Obama' groups pop up on Facebook

Personally, I prefer to wait until after they're actually in office, but it is an interesting foot note of history...rng

This article shows how early the bandwagon was constructed and started to roll. ---lee

From breitbart.com
Nov 5 2008
04:49 PM US/Eastern

Barack Obama has not even been sworn in yet as the 44th president of the United States but groups are springing up online calling for his impeachment.
On Facebook, an "Impeach Barack Obama" group has attracted more than 700 members and a lively debate about the Democrat's election victory on Tuesday over Republican John McCain.

Another Facebook group of the same name has 160 members and urges others to join because "we might as well get a head start on the impeachment of Obama."

"There are a lot of Americans out there that do not fully understand the concept of Socialism or Communism which is why they've elected Obama as president," it says.

Yet another Facebook group, "Impeach Barack Hussein Obama," has 160 members.

It decries that Obama "has voiced support for various unconstitutional programs such as the assault weapons ban, universal healthcare, and various schemes for wealth distribution."

"What are we going to do about it? IMPEACH HIM!" it says.

Obama still has some way to go, however, to equal the number of "Impeach George Bush" groups on Facebook, which lists at least 95 such groups with varying membership.

Obama is to be sworn into office on January 20, 2009. He will be the first African-American president of the United States.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Obama—Our Clueless Professor

Today, I'm giving our President a vacation from my calls of treason and simply cite him as totally clueless--maybe he really is clueless and we should let him be---for today. Being a fan of Patrick Buchanan I had to post this article. ----lee

From Vdare.com
By Patrick J. Buchanan
August 16, 2010

Have we ever had a president so disconnected from the heart of America?

On Friday night, at a White House iftar, the breaking of the Ramadan fast, Obama strode directly into the blazing controversy over whether a mosque should be built two blocks from Ground Zero.

Speaking as though this were simply an open-and-shut case of constitutional law, Professor Obama declared that Muslims "have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country," including "the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan."

Hailed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who also sees this as an issue of tolerance and religious freedom, Obama had poured gasoline on a fire that had him in headlong retreat Saturday morning.

"I was not commenting and I will not comment on the wisdom of making the decision to put a mosque there. I was commenting very specifically on the right people have that dates back to our founding. That is what our country is about."

Professor Obama finally seemed to grasp the point.

This is not a question of "Can they build a mosque near Ground Zero?"

It is an question of "Should they build a mosque in the shadow of the twin towers, where 3,000 Americans were suffocated, crushed or burned to death by Islamic fanatics whose Muslim faith was integral to their mission of mass murder and to their identify?"

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Did Barack Obama just commit treason?

From A Time for Choosing
Posted by Gary at 9:28 AM, Dec. 18, 2009

Just found this one from December of last year, but the information on Offutt air base in Nebraska was new to me. If the blog is correct, this would easily rise to the level of impeachable offense. --rng

A blog everyone should read. Thank you Gary. ---lee

I know there are some that think that Obama commits treason just by showing up to work. Yes, there are more than a few eligibility questions, that sadly, will never be resolved, thanks to a compliant media, and the most corrupt Congress in our nation’s history.

Frankly, I see other acts that border on treason such as the unprecedented power grab that Obama and the corrupt democrat/communist Congress are attempting to engineer with "health care reform." We’ve discussed at length the unconstitutionality of this entire exercise, as well how it effectively renders our Constitution null and void.

I’ve also written at length about the real agenda behind the global warming scam, and how the end game is complete destruction of not only the United States, and the capitalistic system, but literally all of mankind. For those that read the quotes from the various leaders of the global warming movement, and learned of their utter contempt for the United States and humanity itself, it is both shocking and frightening that these people are allowed to roam among us. They all belong in insane asylums!

Certainly, knowing all of this, for Obama to embrace the global warming scam full bore, could easily constitute treason.

But with all of that said, we have an even more serious charge that should end the Obama presidency immediately and see him, and all involved charged with high treason and dealt with in the proper manner, if true.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

This Isn't Change, It's Treason

A list of grievances and a call to arms. ---lee

from warofwits.org
Jerry M. Carter
October 18, 2009

There used to be a time in this country, not that long ago, when, despite our religious, cultural and societal differences, there were at least a few basic tenets upon which we, as Americans, could all agree. We could locate our borders, we spoke a common language and shared a common understanding of our Founders and constitutionalism. There was no confusion over what constituted acts of heroism and patriotism. Conversely, we also understood and clearly recognized, evil, greed, treason and hypocrisy.

But, alas, the beloved country that was so united in my youth has become a cesspool of unabated and accelerating filth, selfishness, decadence and immorality. The scoundrels that supposedly represent us don’t even have the decency to tell us the truth, read the laws they use to enslave us or listen to our objections.

Some, including myself, have described what Obama and his Socialists are up to as as bloodless coup. But, after further evaluation of what’s really going on behind the scenes in Washington, I have come to an even more alarming conclusion: What they are doing is committing legislative jihad.

Socialists have declared jihad on our economic prosperity. The stinkulus was a failure: The jobs it did create came at astronomical cost or simply grew the bureaucracy. Government now controls major players in several sectors of the economy with no signs of easing that control. Government spending now comprises alarming percentages of our Gross Domestic Product. We’ve ran out of money, we’ve essentially accumulated over 100 trillion dollars in unfunded future entitlements, foreclosures have accelerated and we continue to bleed jobs. Add to the mix, health care, one sixth of the entire US economy, and it doesn’t take an economist to see where Democrats are taking us.

To read more

Treason: Obama gives INTERPOL immunity from the Constitution (Amending Executive Order 12425)

From infiniteunknown.net
Posted On Dec 26 (2009?)

Ignore the heated rhetoric and focus on the analysis and I'm sure you will find this a very interesting article. Yet another reason to suspect our President of a serious breach of good faith with the people. Just a piece of a puzzle but the picture of high crimes is becoming clearer each day. ----lee

International ‘Criminal’ Police Organization (INTERPOL).

Change you can believe in!

After receiving some ‘very nice’ comments regarding Obama, I want to repeat the following:

Obama is an elite puppet President like Bush, Clinton etc. Who the f$$$ cares about the color of their skin or what party they belong to? They are all controlled by the same criminals behind the scenes.

I do not care about the color of your skin, but what I do care about is weather those puppets are keeping their promises or not.

And Obama is lying all of the time:

- Barack Obama’s Health Care Lies And Reversals

- Barack Obama Lies 7 Times In Under 2 Minutes!!!!!

Over 300 soldiers died in 2009 because of this lie!!!:
- Obama: ‘I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am President, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank.’


The Moral Treason of President Barack Obama: 'Safe Schools Czar' Pedophile-Pushing Reading List

Lately, I've been traveling far afield from explicit high crimes(treason) against President Obama. Today, I wish to include misdemeanors. These include destroying the moral fiber of youth and the general public. This is just a summary (for some a surprise introduction to some members of Obama's administration). Take care reading this. ----lee

From action.afa.net

Date: 12/9/2009 1:04:41 PM
As this blog entry makes clear, our nation's president has chosen a purveyor of sexual perversion to serve as his "Safe Schools Czar." President Obama's choice of Kevin Jennings to serve in this influential post is enough to disqualify the president from public service in the United States of America for the rest of his natural life.

Promoting what you will read below in our nation's school is as treasonous as selling secrets to the enemy. John Adams said that our government was made only for a "moral and religious people," and George Washington said that "Religion and morality" are "indispensable supports" of the "habits which lead to political prosperity." "In vain, "Washington added, "would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great Pillars."

At a minimum, then, President Obama cannot claim to be a patriot, and his "Safe Schools Czars" is a traitor to his country on the level of Benedict Arnold. I have no hesitation in challenging their patriotism right here, right now and declaring that both of them are reprehensibly un-American.

Gateway Pundit has a breakdown of the reading list for America's public schools developed by President Obama's "Safe Schools Czar," Kevin Jennings.

Jenning's life work has been the founding and development of GLSEN, the Gay, Lesian, and Straight Education Network, which is designed to promote the normalization of homosexuality and other sexual perversions in America's public school system.

Along the way, GLSEN has developed an extensive list of books which they recommend to teachers and schools. These books can easily be ordered through GLSEN's website. The excerpts published at Gateway Pundit come from books which GLSEN recommends for students in grades 7-12.

To read the entire article....

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We are happy to note that Paul Craig Roberts has resumed writing.


From Vdare.com

August 16, 2010

“Without A Revolution, Americans Are History.”

By Paul Craig Roberts

The United States is running out of time to get its budget and trade deficits under control. Despite the urgency of the situation, 2010 has been wasted in hype about a non-existent recovery. As recently as August 2 Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner penned a New York Times Column,Welcome to the Recovery.

As John Williams (shadowstats.com) has made clear on many occasions, an appearance of recovery was created by over-counting employment and undercounting inflation. Warnings by Williams, Gerald Celente, and myself have gone unheeded, but our warnings recently had echoes from Boston University professor Laurence Kotlikoff and from David Stockman, who excoriated the Republican Party for becoming big-spending Democrats.

It is encouraging to see a bit of realization that, this time, Washington cannot spend the economy out of recession. The deficits are already too large for the dollar to survive as reserve currency, and deficit spending cannot put Americans back to work in jobs that have been moved offshore.

However, the solutions offered by those who are beginning to recognize that there is a problem are discouraging. Kotlikoff thinks the solution is massive Social Security and Medicare cuts or massive tax increases or hyperinflation to destroy the massive debts.

to continue reading...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Question for Singles--Will Obama be the first US President tried for treason?

It's curious that this would be on a singles website but this is a crazy world.
I suppose I could be accused of trolling for news of impeachment and Obama treason but this was too good to pass up. Besides, this would be an excellent ice-breaker if both of you have nothing to say. Try it and see what happens. Who knows it might spark a romance. ----lee

Go Back Singlesnet.com: Free Online Dating, Online Singles & Online Chat > General Discussion > Political

Obama on the Edge of Treason

Excellent summation of specific impeachable acts of Obama, although it forgot to mention that as Mexico has made no secret of their desire to retake the United States southwestern states, his actions coddling Mexico are definitely "aid and comfort" to the enemy. Of course, this is an older post, and it may not have seemed as noteworthy at the time.


This was posted on November 27, 2009. At that time Obama was right on the edge of treason, now he is well over the edge and proceeding to run his administration full throttle national destruction. ----lee

From Chicago News Bench
Posted by T. Mannis Friday, November 27, 2009

"Barack Obama has a truckload of problems on his hands,"wrote Anthony G. Martin at Examiner.com. "He has enacted policies that fit the description of impeachable offenses. He can be thankful that Congress is controlled by his partners-in-crime, or else he would be facing serious charges."

NOTE: This is one of those long posts that most of you will not read. I don't care; as a blogger, I often write for myself with the always-open invitation for you to peek into my journal. This post is meant as reference, my own primarily, but you are welcome to chew on it.

If you are concerned about the immense damage that Barack Obama has already done and continues to do to the U.S., then please read on. The main thrust of this post is plain: Barack Obama has committed acts that could be - probably should be - considered as treasonous. If the subject of your President waging economic war on our 50 states, giving Aid and Comfort to our Enemies and working to harm this nation does not interest you, then you probably found this blog by mistake. This post is not meant to be comprehensive, but a primer. There are already books on the subject of Obama's questionable loyalty, and there will be hundreds more written in the future. Students a century from now will read about the president who tried to destroy the nation with his marxist agenda.

You know the enemy. The enemy wants to kill us or to destroy our economy and society.

The enemy drove two airplanes in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The enemy recently went on a killing spree at Fort Hood, Texas. The enemy is among us, operating a filthy meat market on Devon Avenue on Chicago's north side, conspiring with others to blow up Danish newspapers, among other terrorist acts. The enemy advertises his intentions with videos carried by donkeys through the mountains of Pakistan. The enemy is, in effect and by proxy, by intent and by unintended consequences, occupying the White House, blinded by his hateful obsession with Tea Parties and other distractions.

Obama’s problem is that he does not know who the enemy is. To him, the enemy does not squat in caves in Waziristan, clutching automatic weapons and reciting the more militant verses from the Koran: instead, it sits around at tea parties in Kentucky quoting from the US Constitution. Obama is not at war with terrorists, but with his Republican fellow citizens. He has never abandoned the campaign trail. (Emphasis added)

To continue reading ......

Friday, August 13, 2010

Disinterest in National Security Smells Like Treason

From eastvalleytribune.com
Posted: Saturday, June 5, 2010 3:30 am
Updated: 4:27 pm, Fri Jun 11, 2010.

Linda Turley-Hansen, Commentary

I think we can call it treason when a citizen is restricted from walking or strolling in any area of the US because of the federal government's(i.e. Pres. Obama's) refusal to defend the borders from drug dealers, possible terrorists and illegals. But, that's just me. ----lee

When do we call it treason?

This is what I see: A president who refuses to secure our borders. In fact, he stands in harmony with the Mexican president who verbally attacks Arizona for taking decisive steps to keep its citizens safe and treasury intact.

Under heavy pressure, President Barack Obama finally met with Gov. Jan Brewer on Thursday. Knowing what we know, it’s fair to call the meeting appeasement for international theater.

Obama is on the record as being against Arizona’s immigration law. It’s “misguided,” he says. He’s now passed Brewer off to “officials” for further discussion about the cost of the border chaos. Yet still, the border remains open.

Treason: “Violation of allegiance toward one’s country — especially the betrayal — by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.” (education.yahoo.com)

Leaving our borders open knowingly provides illegal entry into America. Terrorists know all about it. Obama knows they know.

Earlier this year (March 18, 2010), Homeland Security News reported this warning by the head of the FBI: “In February, Sheikh Abdullah al-Nasifi, a known al-Qaida recruiter in Kuwait, boasted on al Jazeera television that Mexico’s border with the United States was the ideal infiltration point for terrorists seeking to attack America.

To continue reading....

East Valley resident Linda Turley-Hansen is a syndicated columnist and former Phoenix veteran TV anchor. Contact her at turleyhansen@gmail.com

Obama Adminstration Violates 11th Amendment of Constitution. Treason?

From Allvoices.com
Phoenix : AZ : USA |
Jul 07, 2010
By Rustyn Rose

Indictment for impeachment of violation of the 11th amendment of the Bill of Rights? It sounds like a good start.

This week the Obama administration followed through on threats to sue the State of Arizona to block the enactment of the Senate Bill 1070 which is scheduled to take effect on July 29th. A bill which will allow Arizona law enforcement to enforce current Federal laws that the government has failed to do. Arizona is under attack from the south, and from Washington D.C.
Arizona Governor Jan BrewerJan Brewer is not backing down. “As a direct result of failed and inconsistent federal enforcement, Arizona is under attack from violent Mexican drug and immigrant smuggling cartels,” she said. “Now, Arizona is under attack in federal court from President Obama and his Department of Justice… These funds could be better used against the violent Mexican cartels than the people of Arizona.”

Peter Spiro, a Temple Law Professor, and international law expert does not believe Obama and the government have much of a case. In a recent He Wall Street Journal article Spiro said: “The lawsuit is not a slam dunk for the federal government, by a long shot, nothing in the Constitution says anything about immigration. But it goes back to the late 19th century, in which the power became vested in the general foreign affairs power.”

This is a violation of the 11th Amendment of the Bill of Rights. It's a violation of the Constitution.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Even the British Have Had It

Have a nice day, your Highness---Lee

The Obama presidency increasingly resembles a modern-day Ancien Régime: extravagant and out of touch with the American people

From blogs.telegraph.co.uk
August 7, 2010
by Nile Gardiner

Nile Gardiner is a Washington-based foreign affairs analyst and
political commentator. He appears frequently on American and British
television and radio, including Fox News Channel, CNN, BBC, Sky
News, and NPR.

What the great French historian Alexis de Tocqueville would make
of today’s Obama administration were he alive today is anyone’s
guess. But I would wager that the author of L’Ancien Régime and
Democracy in America would be less than impressed with the
extravagance and arrogance on display among the White House elites
that rule America as though they had been handed some divine right
to govern with impunity.

It is the kind of impunity that has been highlighted on the world
stage this week by Michelle Obama’s hugely costly trip to Spain,
which has prompted a New York Post columnist Andrea Tantaros to dub
the First Lady a contemporary Marie Antoinette. As The Telegraph
reports, while the Obamas are covering their own vacation expenses
such as accommodation, the trip may cost US taxpayers as much as
$375,000 in terms of secret service security and flight costs on Air
Force Two.

The timing of this lavish European vacation could not have come at a
worse moment, when unemployment in America stands at 10 percent, and
large numbers of Americans are fighting to survive financially in
the wake of the global economic downturn. It sends a message of
indifference, even contempt, for the millions of Americans who are
struggling just to feed their families on a daily basis and pay the
mortgage, while the size of the national debt balloons to Greek-
style proportions.

While the liberal-dominated US mainstream media have largely ignored
the story, it is all over the blogosphere and talk radio, and will
undoubtedly add to the President’s free falling poll ratings. As
much as the media establishment turn a blind eye to stories like
this, which are major news in the international media, the American
public is increasingly turning to alternative news sources,
including the British press, which has a far less deferential
approach towards the White House.

The Inner Workings of Treason

Some people were paying attention from the "get go." Note the date this was written. Excellent article.

posted by Lee

From the digitaljournal.com
Sep 17, 2008 by Mark L Harvey

As more and more data becomes exposed and more prominent writers
than I begin revealing the treasonous and treacherous activities of
one Barack Obama, we begin to see the inner workings of Obama's
handlers, mainly George Soros.

Radarsite brings us a list - a growing list - of fellow Enemies of
The State and their consortium of those that would subvert America's
founding. That piece is entitled, Obama's Endorsements From Our
Enemies. IBD Editorials brings us Obama's Double-Dealing Diplomacy
that will create an atmosphere of more harm to our Troops all in the
name of political gain. As I and many others have so stated, this
should be the Scandal of the Century as WUA so stipulates but we
will not hold our breathe on that one, shall we? From IBD:
[...] Neither of these claims, often repeated by leftist historians,
has ever been proven. But the statement of Iraq's foreign minister,
speaking to a leading writer on foreign policy, is considerably
stronger as evidence. It signals that Obama places politics over the
national interest to the extent that he would work against his own
public positions to gull voters into electing him.

It's the absolute opposite of John McCain's courageous position
supporting the surge in Iraq, even as politicos were warning him
he'd lose the election for it. "I'd rather lose an election than
lose a war," McCain said.

With Obama's promises to sit down with dictators in Venezuela, Cuba,
Syria and Iran, voters have a right to ask if he's made any deals at
odds with his public condemnations of them, too. Before he starts
acting like president, he needs to come clean to voters and reveal
his true positions. Whatever they are, voters have a right to know.

To continue reading...


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Obama’s ...Dereliction of Duty to Treason

Posted on July 15, 2010
by dancingczars.com

This post is a little old, sorry about that, but the comments at the bottom of the article, impress with their anger, and, as the saying goes, "A word, to the wise (listen up, Obama) is sufficient."

As far as my interest in the removal of Obama is concerned, they
rest on two issues: 1) the Health care bill, and 2) border/ immigration.
These two issues are easy to understand and simple to
explain and agree on decisive action. The second issue,
immigration, is addressed below. Mr. Brown states his case clearly
and provides powerful evidence worthy of action by our congress.


Walter Brown
Patriot Word

If you thought yesterday’s news was bad, you’re not going to like
this: The federal government is obligated under the constitution to
protect the states from foreign invasion, failure to secure the
borders is negligence relative to this requirement. The president
has taken an oath (legally binding with legal consequences for
violation) to uphold and defend the Constitution, this obligates him
legally to perform duties described therein. He has failed to
perform or even attempt to perform his duties, this is dereliction
of duty.

Now he has directed the DOJ to challenge enforcement of Federal Laws
protecting the States against foreign invasion, this action directly
and intentionally undermines the United States Constitution. This
is treason against the United States Constitution.
Obama Orders DOJ To Challenge Ariz. Immigration LawShare.. Yesterday
at 11:46am The ink is barely dry on Arizona’s new immigration control law and
President Obama has already threatened to take legal action against
the measure even though it was adopted from the federal statute
that’s rarely enforced.

Amid huge protests and cries of racism from the open-borders
movement, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed the law
Obama, who tried pressuring Brewer into vetoing the “misguided” law,
assures that it threatens civil rights and undermines basic notions
of fairness and trust between police and their communities. The
commander-in-chief has ordered the Department of Justice to
challenge its legality and vows to “closely monitor the situation”
and examine the legislation’s civil rights implications.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Chuck Baldwin on Our Government as Our Enemy

Question: is there a civil war a-brewing?
This is just an excerpt from a fantastic piece by Pastor Chuck Baldwin. Be sure and hit the link at the bottom of the excerpt and read the entire article.

From Vdare.com
August 03, 2010
By Chuck Baldwin

But it’s not just an imperial presidency we need to worry about; and it certainly did not originate with Barack Obama–although he has certainly accelerated the pace of this federal aggression. For all intents and purposes, the last four Presidencies have been imperialist in nature. In other words, we have endured at least 22 years of federal imperialism, encompassing both Republican and Democrat Presidential administrations. But it has also been Republican and Democrat congresses (along with a compliant federal judiciary) that have assisted and facilitated this out-of-control federal imperialism. In other words, folks: the entire federal system is now illegitimate and broken!

The federal government has become a monstrous leech that has affixed itself to the underbelly of the American republic and is sucking its lifeblood out with a vengeance. It has increased its surveillance of the American citizenry to the point that–for all intents and purposes–we now live in a Soviet-style, East Bloc society: our phone calls, emails, cellular transmissions, etc., are being feverishly monitored; our financial transactions are scrutinized; this new national (socialist) health care systemis nothing more than modern-day slavery; our manufacturing jobs have been deliberately outsourced to the point that America’s real unemployment numbers are around 20% (Source: economist Donald McAlvaney); the international bankers and their collaborators in DC could be described as the ultimate crime syndicate without much fear of hyperbole; the federal government’s control and manipulation of our public schools has resulted in the fact that the United States now has the most expensive and least productive education system in the industrialized world; and now it is teaming up with the ACLU (not to mention thousands of Mexican gang members, drug dealers, human traffickers, rapists, and murderers) to fight the State of Arizona for its attempt to simply enforce the law. Yes, I would say that should classify the federal government as our enemy, all right.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Congressional Candidate Calls for Obama’s Arrest and Impeachment for Treason

Congressional Candidate Calls for Obama’s Arrest and Impeachment for Treason
Posted on 03 June 2010. This post from Virginia Right! was written by Tom White.

Excellent post but they don't seem aware that if Obama is not really president then all of his legislation, appointments and executive orders are null and void. It's an interesting point to speculate that the Congresspeople who didn't check his eligibility may owe reparations for financial damages accruing from the stimulus bill and other actions. At any rate, enjoy the post below.


A Congressional candidate from the State of Washington is really shaking things up. Ernest Huber is tired of the political games being played in D.C. He is challenging incumbent Dave Reichert for the 8th Congressional District seat. He promises to hold President Obama accountable for his crimes in office:

In an interview with The Post & Email, Huber stated:

When we take control of the Senate, then we can arrest Obama, and that’s what has to happen.

I know you plan to ask about the aspect of eligibility, but the way I address the eligibility issue of Obama is by looking at priorities. I’ve used an analogy: it’s like having an unlicensed driver driving down a city street committing continuous hit-and-runs. I’m more concerned about stopping the driver for killing people with his hit-and-runs than whether or not he has a license to drive. And right now Obama has committed so many crimes, impeachable offenses, and treasonous offenses, that this guy should have been in jail a long time ago had we more courageous members of our government to stand up and do it.

That is in my plank on Obama and National Defense. The first thing that I will do from the floor of the House is to move that the matter of Obama be referred to the House Judiciary Committee to inquire into grounds for impeachment for treason and failing to defend our border (which is in Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution), which is blatant treason. He aids and abets in the invasion by having Calderon come in front of Congress and telling them to sit down and be good boys while he loots and pillages and overruns the country. Plus racketeering: the stuff that’s coming out of Chicago is just gross racketeering, Al Capone stuff written large. Also, he should be charged with sedition and national security offenses.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Has President Obama, the Constitutional Lawyer, Committed Treason?

How many different grounds for treason do we need to get a bill of impeachment going? The Republicans should make impeachment an issue for "Remember in November." They must force the democrats into a discussion on the meaning of treason. This is a debate the democrats will lose if the republicans can read the constituion. This is the best chance we will have to end the power of the imperial presidency.

October 28, 2009

“Has President Obama, the Constitutional Lawyer, Committed Open

When the president of the United States, Barack H. Obama accepted
rotating status as chairman of the United Nations Security Council,
he committed high treason… not only a direct violation of article 1
section 9 clause 8 of the Constitution for the United States of

America, which states emphatically:
“No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States; and no
person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall
without consent of Congress accept of any present, emolument,
office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or
foreign State.”

But this act by the President also has violated the 13th article of
amendment that was duly ratified by March of 1819, but with secrecy
and by active subterfuge, it was replaced by Lincoln’s 14th
amendment right after the Civil War. This duly ratified original
13th amendment states the following:

“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive,
or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the
consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office,
or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince,
or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the
United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust
or profit under them, or either of them.”

To continue reading


A History of Treason

National Data, By Edwin S. Rubenstein

Global Warming, NAFTA and Other Immigration Disasters

Not all dire predictions about America’s post-1965 immigration disasterwill come true—because they’ve already happened.

Take this one:

“According a new computer model, a total of nearly seven million additional Mexicans could emigrate to the U.S. by 2080 as a result of reduced crop yields brought about by a hotter, drier climate—assuming other factors influencing immigration remain unchanged.

‘The model shows that climate-driven refugees could be a big deal in the future,’ said study co-author Michael Oppenheimer, an atmospheric scientist at Princeton University in New Jersey.” [Global Warming Means More Mexican Immigration? By Ker Than, National Geographic, July 26, 2010]

I’m not a global warming skeptic. Maybe something like this will happen. But the simple fact is that a great many Mexican agricultural workers—specifically, the ones most likely to be pushed north by global warming—are already here. They have already been displaced by a change in the economic climate: the North American Free Trade Agreement.

To read more on how the great betrayal starts with Clinton and Gringrich go to this site. Here's hoping everyone will see these two phony's and enemies of the common man for what they are.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Arizona Sheriff: ‘Our Own Government Has Become Our Enemy’

Posted by Lee
The sheriff echos my sentiments exactly. This government can't stop or clean up an oil leak, or allow others to clean it up. It claims it can't or won't protect the borders. It makes friends with our enemies and insults our allies. It's raises debt levels to astronomical levels that we can never repay and finds other novel ways to oppress us with programs like health care. Yes, definitely, my sentiments exactly.

(CNSNews.com) – Pinal County (Ariz.) Sheriff Paul Babeu is hopping mad at the federal government.

Babeu told CNSNews.com that rather than help law enforcement in Arizona stop the hundreds of thousands of people who come into the United States illegally, the federal government is targeting the state and its law enforcement personnel.

“What’s very troubling is the fact that at a time when we in law enforcement and our state need help from the federal government, instead of sending help they put up billboard-size signs warning our citizens to stay out of the desert in my county because of dangerous drug and human smuggling and weapons and bandits and all these other things and then, behind that, they drag us into court with the ACLU,” Babeu said.

The sheriff was referring to the law suits filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and the U.S. Department of Justice challenging the state’s new immigration law.

To read whole article, click on link below...


The Price of Treason in National Defense

Startling piece in The American Thinker of July 21, 2010 anno domini. Entitled "America's Fast Track to the Third World," by Dan Gorski, it is a sobering account of how China has taken over the strategic industries that are vital to maintaining our freedom and standard of living. This branch of the treason industry did not start with Obama, but goes back at least as far as (I bet you think I'm going to say Bill Clinton) Richard Nixon's great grain robbery, ball bearings for Russian MIRVs. And yes continuing with Bill Clinton's dealings with loral, allowing them to sell technology to China to build intercontinental ballistic missiles.

But these deals, rotten as they were, were nothing compared to what is happening now. At least, we were still left with a means of self-defense. Read the article below, then get your friends together and start calling your congressperson en-masse and demand a bill of impeachment be brought against Unpresident Barack Obama.

From The American Spectator
July 21, 2010

America's Fast Track to the Third World

By Dan Gorski
The Department of Defense has sounded an alarm about our access to a strategically vital group of metals called the rare earth elements. A report on the problem prepared by the GAO is not pretty. It concludes that the Chinese now control the production, processing, and manufacture of final products of these vital metals and now own the patents for many of these processes.

The worries of the DoD are well-justified; missile guidance systems, smart bombs, night vision gear, unmanned aircraft, and much more are dependent on the rare earth elements in some way. Without these metals, our weapons technology would be approximately that of the Korean War. Battery-powered tools, hybrid vehicles, the environmentalists' precious windmills, and almost everything else electric cannot get by without them.

Rare earth elements have been described as the vitamins of modern technology. It took Beijing approximately twenty years to strip this technology from its birthplace in the United States and move it to China.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Join the Fun

Here is a link to the American's Calling for the Impeachment of Obama Facebook site. Be sure to join in the fun. It's better than video games, and this is the sort of activity that sports are supposed to prepare you for. Athletics aren't for turning the young into beer guzzling louts. Athletics are for turning the young into good team playing citizens who can work together to preserve our freedom and keep our country strong and defend the Constitution against "all enemies, foreign and domestic." Happy hunting.