Friday, February 10, 2012

Econ 101

A look at the root of all evil (and treason)....rng

from Dregs of the Future

Finally, a couple of short, concise, explanations of our economic crisis:

We’re NOT all in it together–follow the money:

Every area of the economy is still about taking wealth from the great mass of people and putting it into the hands of a few. (Source)

It’s what Kenneth Rogoff calls, “Byzantine labyrinths funneling money to powerful interests“.
Remember the old days when the landlord advanced the money and had first dibs on the harvest?  And the harvest was never quiet enough to clear the debt.  And so the farmer got poorer and poorer, until he had nothing.  Substitute Citibank as the landlord and your own name as the tenant farmer/sharecropper. (Source)
to finish article (highly recommended) 

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