Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Obama impeachment bill now in Congress

by Drew Zahn 
Monday, March 12, 2012

     Let the president be duly warned.

     Rep. Walter B. Jones Jr., R-N.C., has introduced a resolution declaring that should the president use offensive military force without authorization of an act of Congress, “it is the sense of Congress” that such an act would be “an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor.”
     Specifically, Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution reserves for Congress alone the power to declare war, a restriction that has been sorely tested in recent years, including Obama’s authorization of military force in Libya.
     In an exclusive WND column, former U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo claims that Jones introduced his House Concurrent Resolution 107 in response to startling recent comments from Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta.
     “This week it was Secretary of Defense Panetta’s declaration before the Senate Armed Services Committee that he and President Obama look not to the Congress for authorization to bomb Syria but to NATO and the United Nations,” Tancredo writes. “This led to Rep. Walter Jones, R-N.C., introducing an official resolution calling for impeachment should Obama take offensive action based on Panetta’s policy statement, because it would violate the Constitution.”

For more ...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Obama's unconstitutional power grab

We're a little slow in posting this one, but it's hard to keep up with the shredder-in-chief.---rng

from Human Events
Legislative Lowdown
by Brian Darling

Last week, the President shredded yet another provision of the U.S. Constitution. He used an unconstitutional procedure to install Richard Cordray as head of the newly created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and Richard Griffin, Sharon Block and Terence Flynn to be on the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

Obama installed them claiming his constitutional power to make recess appointments. Only problem is, the Senate isn’t in recess.

The President has ignored the clear words of the Constitution. As The Heritage Foundation’s Todd Gaziano wrote, “The Constitution, in Article I, section 5, plainly states that neither house of Congress can recess for more than three days without the consent of the other house.” Congress has been in session conducting business every few days.

Gaziano further observes that the President’s power under Article II to make recess appointments “has been interpreted by scores of attorneys general and their designees in the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) for over 100 years to require an official, legal Senate recess of at least 10–25 days of duration.” The Senate is not even in a recess, therefore the President has abused his power.

This is an effort to circumvent the explicit language in Article II that the President can appoint officials only with the “Advice and Consent” of the Senate. Let’s hope that conservatives in the House and Senate do anything and everything in their power to fight this unconstitutional power grab.

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

WH ignores House subpoena for Solyndra documents

Our dictator-in-chief strikes again.---rng


byJoel Gehrke Commentary Staff Writer

President Obama and his West Wing aides ignored a subpoena of documents pertaining to the Solyndra loan guarantee even after congressional investigators met with White House officials to negotiate the scope of the subpoena, according to the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

"The White House's failure to comply with today's document deadline is a sad milestone on the path chosen by this administration to obstruct and delay our investigation rather than cooperate and help deliver answers for taxpayers," committee chairman Fred Upton, R-Mich., and Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee chairman Cliff Stearns R-Fla., said in a statement this evening.

House investigators requested 12 categories of documents designed to explore a range of issues, such as Obama donor and Solyndra investor George Kaiser's role in the solar company receiving a loan gaurantee.
White House counsel disputed the initial subpoena in November, calling it "a significant intrusion on Executive branch interests." Committee officials met with Obama's attorneys to negotiate the subpoena, but the White House failed to produce the documents by the February 21 deadline.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Proposed Enemy Expatriation Act: Sending American Citizens into Exile

By Herbert W. Titus and William J. Olson

January 20, 2012 

     Sparked by the nation's so-called war on terrorism, the government has been charging full-throttle into another war -- a war on liberty. Drawing on its almost limitless technological arsenal, the government surreptitiously tracks and spies on our every movement, places under surveillance our internet and cell phone communications, and screens our bodies and personal effects.
     Instead of standing for the people against these law enforcement abuses of our liberty, Congress has enacted laws such as the USA Patriot Act that undermine, rather than protect, the Bill of Rights. And to a large extent the American public are bystanders, watching this erosion, if not destruction, of American liberty, while being manipulated into believing that the loss of a few rights won't matter to them.
     The destructive march against the constitutional ramparts securing our freedoms continued recently with the National Defense Authorization Act, wherein Congress has granted the president unchecked discretionary powers to detain indefinitely American citizens suspected of aiding acts of terrorism, without a warrant, jury trial or any other constitutional safeguards.
     James Madison warned the people to be vigilant and take note of the first experiment with our liberties. But we have already allowed the government far beyond the first encroachment, with only minimal public outrage and opposition. The founders would be ashamed of the passivity of millions of "patriotic" Americans.

For more ....

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Catholic Bishops Oppose Compromise on Birth-Control Insurance

The answer to all our problems: (Obamacare, that is) .......everybody find god-----including insurers. -------lee

FEBRUARY 12, 2012, 4:07 P.M. ET



     Catholic bishops said Friday night that they would not support the Obama administration's proposed compromise on a controversial rule that requires most employers to fully cover contraception in their workers' health plans.

     The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which had led opposition to the regulation, issued a statement saying that they didn't believe their concerns were addressed by a new policy offered by President Barack Obama on Friday morning to allow religious employers who object to the use of birth control to turn over responsibility for covering it to insurance companies.
     Under the new policy, religious employers that don't want to offer contraception could exclude it from their policies. Insurance companies instead would be required to provide access to contraception for plan participants who wanted it, without explicitly charging either the religious employer or worker.

     The shift is intended to ensure that women working at religious hospitals, schools and charities who want to use contraception can obtain it in the same way as women who work for secular employers. It also means the cost of providing the coverage for those women is likely to be spread across all policyholders by insurers.
     The bishops had earlier expressed cautious optimism about the announcement, saying that it was "a first step in the right direction" but that they would have to study it.

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Friday, February 10, 2012

Econ 101

A look at the root of all evil (and treason)....rng

from Dregs of the Future

Finally, a couple of short, concise, explanations of our economic crisis:

We’re NOT all in it together–follow the money:

Every area of the economy is still about taking wealth from the great mass of people and putting it into the hands of a few. (Source)

It’s what Kenneth Rogoff calls, “Byzantine labyrinths funneling money to powerful interests“.
Remember the old days when the landlord advanced the money and had first dibs on the harvest?  And the harvest was never quiet enough to clear the debt.  And so the farmer got poorer and poorer, until he had nothing.  Substitute Citibank as the landlord and your own name as the tenant farmer/sharecropper. (Source)
to finish article (highly recommended) 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Controversial Artist Depicts Obama Trampling The Constitution

And this art was created before the NDAA passed and before Obama took away the religious freedom of people and churches that object to contraception and destroying innocent human beings in the womb.

Courageous and true.

By Peter V. Milo

February 3, 2012 1:08 PM

      Provo, Utah (CBS Las Vegas) - In front of the White House a man is sitting on a park bench in the throes of depression. He is surrounded by all 43 presidents. In the forefront, purposefully ignoring the depressed man is President Obama, whose right foot is stepping on the Constitution. James Madison is next to Obama, pleading with him to stop.

     This tableau is called “The Forgotten Man”, a painting by Jon McNaughton, an artist who is known for his politically-charged work.
The painting, which uses objects such as discarded dollar bills as symbols and scraps of paper with individual constitutional amendments scrawled onto them, has been making the rounds across the Internet.
     The painting was initially released in 2010 and has resurfaced, causing a stir when it appeared for a caption contest on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow’s blog.
     The responses have ranged from sarcastic — “We’ll trade you this peasant for that constitution. We’ll even throw in the bench.” – to Photoshop works of art.
     McNaughton released an accompanying YouTube video for his painting. The video shows McNaughton painting the piece with a soundtrack that emulates a movie trailer.

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Monday, January 30, 2012

The Proposed Enemy Expatriation Act: Sending American Citizens into Exile

  Despicable. -----lee


By Herbert W. Titus and William J. Olson

     Sparked by the nation's so-called war on terrorism, the government has been charging full-throttle into another war -- a war on liberty. Drawing on its almost limitless technological arsenal, the government surreptitiously tracks and spies on our every movement, places under surveillance our internet and cell phone communications, and screens our bodies and personal effects.
     Instead of standing for the people against these law enforcement abuses of our liberty, Congress has enacted laws such as the USA Patriot Act that undermine, rather than protect, the Bill of Rights. And to a large extent the American public are bystanders, watching this erosion, if not destruction, of American liberty, while being manipulated into believing that the loss of a few rights won't matter to them.
     The destructive march against the constitutional ramparts securing our freedoms continued recently with the National Defense Authorization Act, wherein Congress has granted the president unchecked discretionary powers to detain indefinitely American citizens suspected of aiding acts of terrorism, without a warrant, jury trial or any other constitutional safeguards.
     James Madison warned the people to be vigilant and take note of the first experiment with our liberties. But we have already allowed the government far beyond the first encroachment, with only minimal public outrage and opposition. The founders would be ashamed of the passivity of millions of "patriotic" Americans.

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Soros’s ‘Glee’ Over OWS Violence

Are Soros and Obama hoping or fomenting violent dissent in order to declare martial law and impose a one world banker's dictatorship?---rng

George Soros is delighted that chaos is coming to his adopted homeland.
“In the crisis period, the impossible becomes possible,” the anti-American financier told Newsweek in a recent interview, restating the Alinskyite adage that a good crisis is a terrible thing to waste.
“I am not here to cheer you up. The situation is about as serious and difficult as I’ve experienced in my career,” Soros says. “We are facing an extremely difficult time, comparable in many ways to the 1930s, the Great Depression. We are facing now a general retrenchment in the developed world, which threatens to put us in a decade of more stagnation, or worse. The best-case scenario is a deflationary environment. The worst-case scenario is a collapse of the financial system.”
To people like Soros, the mortgage bubble was caused by the Snidely Whiplashes of the financial world, not by venal real-life politicians like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and the monstrous financial blunderers known as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Free markets are to blame even though they have never been tried.
Like some of the more dimwitted commentators on economics, Soros loves to spew the usual socialist drivel about so-called market fundamentalism running amok as if he were living during the Cleveland administration. “The collapse of the Soviet system was a pretty extraordinary event, and we are currently experiencing something similar in the developed world, without fully realizing what’s happening.”

As the U.S. economy continues to deteriorate, anger will grow and rioting in the streets is sure to follow. “It’s already started,” he says. “Yes, yes, yes,” Soros adds “almost gleefully,” Newsweek writer John Arlidge editorializes.
For years Soros has longed for an opportunity to transform America into a socialist state. “The system we have now has actually broken down, only we haven’t quite recognized it and so you need to create a new one and this is the time to do it,” he said in 2009 as he created the Institute for New Economic Thinking with a $50 million endowment.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Montana Launches Recall Efforts Against NDAA Supporters

from New American
January 24, 2012

With a growing number of Americans becoming alarmed at the recent passage of the National Defense Authorization Act because of its provisions allowing American citizens to be indefinitely detained and denied due process, some states and even counties are taking action. The state of Rhode Island, as well as Colorado's El Paso County, have drafted resolutions to nullify the NDAA, a step that other states and counties are soon expected to follow. Likewise, the state of Montana has launched an effort to recall their Senators — Democrats Max Baucus and Jonathon Tester — as well as Republican Congressman Dennyi Rehberg, all of whom voted for the NDAA.
Montana is just one of nine states with constitutional provisions asserting the right to recall members of its congressional delegation for reasons including a violation of their oath of office. The Montana Code 2-16-603 reads: "(2) A public officer holding an elective office may be recalled by the qualified electors entitled to vote for the elective officer's successor.”
The other eight states are Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana , Michigan, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, and Wisconsin. In New Jersey, efforts to pass such a law failed when a state judge declared that “the federal Constitution does not allow states the power to recall U.S. senators.” Critics of that decision contend that the 10th Amendment to the Constitution in fact does permit such a law.
Montana's recall effort is headed by residents William Crain and Stewart Rhodes. Rhodes declared:
These politicians from both parties betrayed our trust, and violated the oath they took to defend the Constitution. It’s not about the left or right; it’s about our Bill of Rights. Without the Bill of Rights, there is no America. It is the Crown Jewel of our Constitution, and the high-water mark of Western Civilization.
The draft language of Montana’s petition provides the following justifications for recalling the three men:
1. "The Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees all U.S citizens: "a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed..."
2. The National Defense Authorization Act of 2011 (NDAA 2011) permanently abolishes the Sixth Amendment right to a jury trial, "for the duration of hostilities" in the War on Terror, which was defined by President George W. Bush as "task which does not end" to a joint session of Congress on September 20, 2001.
The recall petition adds that the NDAA is a violation of the “spirit and letter of the Cosntitution and the Declaration of Independence.” It also indicates that the Montana Recall Act permits Montanans to recall any officials who violate their oath of office, and the petition highlights just how Baucus, Tester, and Rehberg have done this:

to read complete article

Thursday, January 19, 2012

National Defense Authorization Act Outrage Continues To Grow Online

Contact your reps and senators now.  Then go to work on your state government and insist they pass resolutions against this bill.---rng

This is day three of living in post-NDAA America.
In case you've been living under a particularly large and comfy rock, the NDAA is a radical and dangerous bill -- which Barack Hussein Obama quietly signed into law on New Year's Eve, while almost every American was preoccupied with New Year's binge drinking. (His administration had previously vowed to veto the NDAA, before strangely reversing course and signing it into law. He issued a signing statement saying his administration would not use the controversial indefinite detention provisions. This promise, however, is not legally binding -- and it also does not prevent future Presidents from detaining and torturing American citizens without the right to a trial or attorney, and without bringing formal charges against them. The signing statement is the legal equivalent of a Post-it note affixed to a manuscript.)

How bad is this law, really? Here are some experts:
Presidential candidate Ron Paul on NDAA: "...bold and dangerous attempt to establish martial law in America."
Rep. Justin Amash: NDAA was "carefully crafted to mislead the public."
Amnesty International: "Provisions that were snuck into the bill with little notice from mainstream media could spell indefinite detention without a hearing, keep Guantanamo open, and hinder fair trials."
And Americans, despite some pro-Obama spin to the contrary, are definitely targeted by NDAA's indefinite detention provisions. As Salon columnist and constitutional lawyer Glenn Greenwald explained: "Myth #3: U.S. citizens are exempted from this new bill: This is simply false, at least when expressed so definitively and without caveats. The bill is purposely muddled on this issue which is what is enabling the falsehood."
to read complete article

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Does US Senate Commit Treason with NDAA Bill?

 "In short, the US Senate and the House of Representatives—are in the process of establishing a military dictatorship."

from ukprogressive
Jan. 1, 2012
by Jeanine Molloff
December 1st, 2011, the US Senate accomplished the unthinkable–with the nearly unanimous passage of the National Defense Authorization Bill of 2012–they committed treason. Written and planned in secret by the Senate Armed Services Committee, the newly minted NDAA contains three sections which collectively  sanctions indefinite detention of alleged terrorists or ‘terrorist sympathizers’–anywhere in the world including the US– and designates the military the duty to arrest, imprison and interrogate without benefit of counsel,’ accused civilians here on Main Street.  Ironically, the abuse of civilian Iraqis by our military and by military contractors is coming to a locale near you.  Theoretically, armed squads of US soldiers might be knocking on your door in the dead of night to take away Auntie Mame for her alleged ‘terrorist’ activities—at the ACLU.  This bill potentially allows for the blatant political prosecutions of any dissenter using the military as a bully club to instill deep fear in any who dare to question our government’s motives.
No proof of wrongdoing is required and those accused are denied the due process right of trial by their peers, or the services of an attorney– and are subsequently relegated to the ‘military commissions justice system.’  As a result–the accused are reduced to the status of ‘unlawful enemy combatant,’ and are subject to the following actions: ‘extroardinary rendition’, ‘enhanced interrogation’ procedures, ‘indefinite detention to possibly a  life sentence, and ‘presidential assigned extermination of target’ .  These powers are then ‘given’ to the President to use at will, fully codified in law,while requiring in reality no proof other than presidential whim.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Bill Known As Enemy Expatriation Act Would Allow Government To Strip Citizenship Without Conviction

This bill is still under consideration.  Call your congressman now and scream bloody murder until this obnoxious bill is defeated.  No excuses....rng


January 6, 2012

First, Congress considered the National Defense Authorization Act, sections of which gave thePresident the authority to use the military to arrest and indefinitely detain Americans without trial or charge. The language was revised because of strong condemnation from the American people. But now a new bill has emerged that poses yet another threat to the American citizenry.
Congress is considering HR 3166 and S. 1698 also known as the Enemy Expatriation Act, sponsored by Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Charles Dent (R-PA). This bill would give the US government the power to strip Americans of their citizenship without being convicted of being “hostile” against the United States. In other words, you can be stripped of your nationality for “engaging in, or purposefully and materially supporting, hostilities against the United States.” Legally, the term “hostilities” means any conflict subject to the laws of war but considering the fact that the War on Terror is a little ambiguous and encompassing, any action could be labeled as supporting terrorism. Since the Occupy movement began, conservatives have been trying to paint the protesters as terrorists.
The new law would change a part of US Code 1481 which can be read in full here. Compare 3166 to 1481 and the change is small. The new section makes no reference to being convicted as it does in section (7). So even though the language of the NDAA has been revised to exclude American citizens, the US government merely has to strip Americans of their citizenship and the NDAA will apply. And they will be able to do so without convicting the accused in a court of law.

to read complete article

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

“Impeach Obama” Banner May Fly Over Super Bowl

by Keith Koffler on January 6, 2012, 9:32 am

A group of anti-Obama Facebook groups are planning to fly an “Impeach Obama” Banner over this year’s Super Bowl.
The groups, Impeach Obama Tea Party, Stop Obama Now-San Diego, and Boycott Oprah, say they recently flew the banner over the Rose Bowl Parade Jan. 2.

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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pol Pot: Obama’s Role Model??

"Pol Pot began as a meek and mild mannered college professor. He was a rather unassuming man who would never be suspected of harboring such a red monster inside." 

There is an old wise saying that says, “Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.” You might not put much faith in old sayings but perhaps America you should put some faith into this particular old saying. Why? Because it is beginning to appear that America is repeating history in many ways and one of those ways has to do with Pol Pot and his reign of terror in Cambodia in the 1970s and 80s.
Pol Pot’s real name was Saloth Sar. He was born in 1925 and died in 1998. He became the Communist Party leader in Cambodia in Southeast Asia. He began his rise to power by forming a “movement” known as the Khmer Rouge. From 1976-79 he was President of Cambodia. During his rule his goal was to “cleanse” Cambodia which resulted in 1.7 to 2.5 MILLION human deaths in Cambodia.
Pol Pot forced people in the cities and towns to go to the countryside to work on State collective farms and on other forced labor State projects. This was part of his plan to “restart” Cambodian society and shape it into the perfect Communist State. His forced labor resulted in many problems including malnutrition and poor medical care. About 21% of Cambodia’s population died as a result of Pol Pot’s rule. These deaths also include the mass executions that were carried out under this Communist dictator.
In the last century Communism took the lives of about 100 MILLION people! Wherever you find Communism you find its murderous head! Communism promises “utopia” but what it actually delivers is something altogether different. Look at the regimes. Look at the USSR, China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Cuba, and many others. NOT even one of these Communist regimes have delivered the promised utopia. Every one of them has delivered human slaughter, poverty, and hopelessness to the masses! Pol Pot’s Communist state in Cambodia was no different.
Pol Pot began as a meek and mild mannered college professor. He was a rather unassuming man who would never be suspected of harboring such a red monster inside. To talk with him was to actually talk with a nice man. Yes, he appeared friendly and nice!