Monday, September 26, 2011

NY R- Rep Bob Turner, Impeach Obama and Administration Now

Saturday, 17 September 2011 05:08 Eliana Benador

Republicans have just had an amazing victory in New York.

      Naturally, after 88 years of democratic stronghold in New York’s Ninth District, it is not surprising to find analysts limiting their comments to down-to-earth interests presenting the Republican win as “voter displeasure” over president Obama and the liberal democratic agenda that has been passing until now, at City level in New York, or at a broader level of government, such with laws as same-sex marriage, pro-union policies, the disappearance of 'mother' and 'father' in official forms being replaced by ‘partner one’ and ‘partner two’, the abolition of don’t-ask-don't-tell in the military, authorized distribution of gay magazines among our men in the military, all that crowned by a devastating economic, social and political liberal agenda aimed at the destruction of our country’s fundamental structure and that has been put in place now since over two years ago -while an ever dangerously increasing anti-Israel and anti-Semitic trend looms in New York and America”s everyday life, alas, not only reduced to anti-Semitic remarks against Israel and Jews. n

     Whether it happens or not, it has even been a question of 18 New York City subway stations displaying anti-Israel posters urging a halt to American military aid to Israel, during this month as part of a nationwide campaign supporting the Palestinian Authority and which is simply another symptom of the vastly anti-Israel underlying mission statement of Obama, Bloomberg and Cuomo.
      In the meantime, however, the president and his Administration took America's military without Congress consent to a war in Libya where our men have been sent to help Libyan rebels whose provenance has the label of America's arch-enemy: Al Qaeda.
     However, we would be remiss if we would forget a critical element that has been at the origin of the outcome in this story that began as a seemingly innocuous activity on Internet networking -had it not been that the culprit was a married democratic Congressman representing New York’s Ninth District and whose wife was none other than Huma Abedin, the right hand of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton -story that I was the first one to report about.
     While Huma Abedin has remained at her job, it is evident that democrats could not bear the burden of Anthony Weiner’s licentiousness attracting so much attention not only to his wife -but most of all at the fact that Obama and his people, have been keenly placing pro-Muslim Brotherhood key people at strategic positions within this Administration.

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