Tuesday, September 27, 2011

N C governor calls for suspension of federal elections

Treason begets more treason.  Impeach Perdue now.---rng

from floridapoliticalpress.com
September 27, 2011
by Tom Tillison
Florida Political Press

“I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover,” Perdue said.
I occasionally hear some on the fringes of the right claim that Obama is intentionally undermining the economy in America so that the ensuing crisis gives him justification to ‘temporarily’ suspend the 2012 Elections.  I immediately discard such a notion as far reaching and totally unrealistic.  After all, who in America would ever support such an idea, right?
Well… the Governor of North Carolina!
Did Gov. Perdue just speak off the cuff?  Guilty of thinking out loud without really considering the ramifications of what she was saying?  Or is this but the beginning of laying the ground work for something far more sinister to come?
Never one to be considered a conspiracist, but when a sitting Governor calls for the suspension of elections to focus on jobs, the American people damn well better be paying attention.
As has come to be very apparent over the past few years, when the Progressive Left cannot advance their ideology through elections, they simple look to other avenues.  More often than not, that avenue is the Judicial Branch where we see activist judges regularly legislating from the bench.  And with a true Progressive now in the White House, we also see it through executive fiat, where Executive Orders become a much quicker and tidier way to force an agenda than trying to steer things through the U.S.Congress.
The citizens of North Carolina should call for an immediate impeachment of Gov. Purdue.  This dangerous idea of suspending elections is a direct violation of the U.S. Constitution and the very fabric upon which this nation was founded.

Monday, September 26, 2011

NY R- Rep Bob Turner, Impeach Obama and Administration Now

Saturday, 17 September 2011 05:08 Eliana Benador

Republicans have just had an amazing victory in New York.

      Naturally, after 88 years of democratic stronghold in New York’s Ninth District, it is not surprising to find analysts limiting their comments to down-to-earth interests presenting the Republican win as “voter displeasure” over president Obama and the liberal democratic agenda that has been passing until now, at City level in New York, or at a broader level of government, such with laws as same-sex marriage, pro-union policies, the disappearance of 'mother' and 'father' in official forms being replaced by ‘partner one’ and ‘partner two’, the abolition of don’t-ask-don't-tell in the military, authorized distribution of gay magazines among our men in the military, all that crowned by a devastating economic, social and political liberal agenda aimed at the destruction of our country’s fundamental structure and that has been put in place now since over two years ago -while an ever dangerously increasing anti-Israel and anti-Semitic trend looms in New York and America”s everyday life, alas, not only reduced to anti-Semitic remarks against Israel and Jews. n

     Whether it happens or not, it has even been a question of 18 New York City subway stations displaying anti-Israel posters urging a halt to American military aid to Israel, during this month as part of a nationwide campaign supporting the Palestinian Authority and which is simply another symptom of the vastly anti-Israel underlying mission statement of Obama, Bloomberg and Cuomo.
      In the meantime, however, the president and his Administration took America's military without Congress consent to a war in Libya where our men have been sent to help Libyan rebels whose provenance has the label of America's arch-enemy: Al Qaeda.
     However, we would be remiss if we would forget a critical element that has been at the origin of the outcome in this story that began as a seemingly innocuous activity on Internet networking -had it not been that the culprit was a married democratic Congressman representing New York’s Ninth District and whose wife was none other than Huma Abedin, the right hand of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton -story that I was the first one to report about.
     While Huma Abedin has remained at her job, it is evident that democrats could not bear the burden of Anthony Weiner’s licentiousness attracting so much attention not only to his wife -but most of all at the fact that Obama and his people, have been keenly placing pro-Muslim Brotherhood key people at strategic positions within this Administration.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Impeach Obama, says Michael Burgess

Impeaching President Barack Obama “needs to happen,” Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) told a local tea party group, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported Tuesday.
Burgess spoke, the paper said, in response to an attendee’s suggestion that the GOP-controlled House use impeachment to stop Obama from “pushing his agenda.”

“It needs to happen, and I agree with you it would tie things up,” Burgess reportedly responded. “No question about that.”
When the Star-Telegram’s reporter asked Burgess about the comment, he said the House needs to do what it can to stop the president.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Memo to Congress: Impeachment probe needed now!

Memo to Congress: Impeachment probe needed now!

By Tom Tancredo
Posted: September 09, 2011
4:38 pm Eastern
© 2011 
Barack Obama is indeed succeeding in his plans to "transform America," but not in the way voters expected on Election Day in 2008. The number of the president's actions that arguably qualify as impeachable offenses is staggering.
The question before the country is what to do about it.
True, Obama faces the voters in 14 months, and that will be seen by many as a reason to avoid the turmoil of an impeachment proceeding. But one process has nothing to do with the other. Elections proceed on an established calendar, but if he has committed acts that warrant removal by way of impeachment, that process should proceed independent of the election calendar. While impeachment must never be used to override an election victory, neither should the prospects of electoral defeat be used as an argument to avoid impeachment.
Obama has demonstrated contempt for the Constitution and is increasingly resorting to rule by decree. He is recognized by a growing number of Americans as a danger to the republic – certainly a danger to our liberties and also a serious threat to our national security.
It is time for the House of Representatives to take its constitutional responsibility seriously and launch an impeachment investigation. The investigative committee should hold hearings, collect and weigh the evidence, and then present its findings to the Congress and the nation.
Has Obama committed "high crimes and misdemeanors" that warrant impeachment and removal? There is much evidence that says, yes, he has.
Impeachment of the president is justified on constitutional grounds if any of the following 12 questions is answered in the affirmative:
  • Did President Obama have personal knowledge of the illegal "Fast and Furious" project run by ATF and approved by top officials in the Department of Justice, a plan to sell over 2,000 guns to Mexican drug cartels, weapons now linked to numerous crimes on both sides of the border including the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry?
  • Did the president have knowledge of the ongoing effort by Attorney General Eric Holder and other Justice Department officials to cover up the true purpose and scope of that ill-conceived, illegal project?
  • Did the president direct his appointees on the National Labor Relations Board to bring a lawsuit against Boeing as a political payoff to organized labor?
  • Did the president act contrary to the advice and pleas of his own CIA director, four previous intelligence agency heads of both parties and numerous experts on covert operations when, on April 16, 2009, he made public four internal Justice Department memos on terrorist interrogation techniques, thereby deliberately emasculating our anti-terrorist intelligence operations and endangering the lives of many intelligence agents?
  • Did the president have knowledge of a plan by the Department of Homeland Security, ordered by Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano and the deputy commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, David Aguilar, to distort and falsify the Border Patrol's southwest border illegal-alien apprehension numbers by means of a deliberate, planned undercount – for the purpose of misleading the public and Congress about the true (abysmal) state of border security?
  • By choosing not to secure the border against unlawful entry, has the president willfully disregarded his clear duty under Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution to protect the states from foreign invasion? Did the president admit this in a candid exchange with Sen. Jon Kyl, telling him the reason he was not stopping the cross-border human trafficking was to force Republicans in Congress to strike a deal for amnesty legislation?
  • Is the president showing contempt for the Constitution, the separation of powers and the rule of law by ordering an "administrative amnesty" for millions of illegal aliens through the implementation of the John Morton memo of June 2011?
  • Has the president demonstrated contempt for the Constitution and violated the separation of powers by issuing numerous executive orders and agency rules that have no basis in statute and often contradict congressional votes against such actions?
  • Did the president authorize Labor Secretary Hilda Solis to violate current federal laws against aiding and abetting illegal aliens by signing agreements with foreign countries and pledging to protect and fund educational efforts to inform illegal aliens of their workplace "rights"? Also did these "agreements" she signed with foreign countries violate Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution which clearly establishes the manner in which treaties are to be undertaken and ratified?
  • Did the president violate his oath of office when he instructed the Department of Justice not to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in federal courts? Does the Constitution permit the person designated by Article II, Section 1, as holding the "executive power" of government to decide unilaterally to not enforce a law he disagrees with?
  • Did the president authorize or approve the offer of a federal job to Rep. Joe Sestek if he would withdraw from the 2010 Democratic primary race for U.S. senator in Pennsylvania?
  • Did the president violate the War Powers Act by conducting military operations in Libya beyond the 60-day limitation?

Read more:Memo to Congress: Impeachment probe needed now!http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=343429#ixzz1XXGVQDSw

Thursday, September 8, 2011


By J.B. Williams
March 21, 2011

On the eighth anniversary of the day President George W. Bush ordered US troops into Iraq in 2003, with the full support of the US Congress and majority support from the UN Security Council, Barack Obama launched a Tomahawk missile assault on the sovereign nation of Libya with no majority support in the UN and without even consulting congress.
Acting alone while congress was away on recess, solely at the command of the United Nations and without constitutional authority, Barack Obama dropped over $70 million worth of Tomahawk missiles on the sovereign nation of Libya in a dictatorial maneuver to force regime change of a foreign land.
He launched a military assault on Libya under what authority? To be certain, Gadhafi is no prize, but what Obama just did is far worse. Acting all alone in a truly imperialistic fashion, Obama violated his Oath of Office, Article I and II of the US Constitution and The War Powers Act all in one mindless kneejerk decision.
Article II – Section II of the US Constitution identifies the US President as the civilian oversight of the US Military and Commander-in-Chief. But it gives the US President no authority to use military might to enforce its political will upon foreign nations.
Article I – Section VIII of the US Constitution rests the power to declare war solely with the US Congress. It requires both the Commander-in-Chief and Congress to commit US troops to combat, without which the act is wholly unconstitutional.
Even the Washington Times managed to get this one right in its editorial – Obama’s Illegal War.
The 1973 War Powers Act was put in place to prevent a US President from doing exactly what Barack Obama just did.
SEC. 2. (a) It is the purpose of this joint resolution to fulfill the intent of the framers of the Constitution of the United States and insure that the collective judgment of both the Congress and the President will apply to the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, and to the continued use of such forces in hostilities or in such situations.
A US Commander-in-Chief can order use of military force in only three specific conditions…
(1) a declaration of war,
(2) specific statutory authorization, or
(3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.
The US Congress has not declared war against a foreign nation since WWII. But when George W. Bush sent troops into Afghanistan and Iraq following the September 11, 2001 attacks on US soil, he not only consulted congress in advance, he sought and received specific statutory authorization from congress before ordering troops into combat. Bush complied with the constitution and War Powers Act under conditions (2) and (3). He also had a broad coalition of UN partners backed by years of Iraqi broken UN resolutions.

for complete article

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Anti-American President

August 19, 2011
By Boyd Richard Boyd

     Obviously something is rotten on Pennsylvania Avenue; no intelligent American president would do the things Obama has done. There has been talk of his inexperience, incompetence, or just plain stupidity to explain his Bizarro-administration. However, Obama is not incompetent; he is an intelligent anti-American president. Obama is not a failure at his job -- his job is the failure of our country.
     Liberty-minded folk have several reasons why we assume another person is incompetent rather than malicious. One reason is our belief that a person is "innocent until proven guilty"; another is the natural presumption others are similar to ourselves. Unfortunately, these ideas have been coupled with a pair of dangerously pragmatic moral equivalencies foisted upon us all: "Who am I to judge?" and "They couldn't possibly mean that." As long as there is any possibility that Obama is just in over his head and doesn't mean what he says and does, many will excuse him on those grounds.
     Every American must judge Obama and his ideas and understand he does mean what he says, and realize there is no excuse, save one -- Barack Obama is an anti-American in thought and deed.
Obama gets dreams from his socialist father. His mother was a fellow traveler. Obama lived in anti-American Indonesia as a child. Later, granddad decided Obama needed a Communist mentor. O got into Harvard on the recommendation of anti-Semitic Khalid al Mansour, an adviser to Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal. In college O chose his friends carefully -- "the more politically active black students, foreign students, Chicanos, Marxist professors and structural feminists." As a professor he taught Marxist Saul Alinsky tactics, and as a constitutional scholar he believed that there are fundamental flaws in the Constitution, such as restraint on governmental power. As a community organizer and counsel he pushed sub-prime mortgages which helped buckle our economy.
     He's a trench-mate with voter-fraudsters ACORN and quasi-commie SEIU. He had house parties and sat on boards with an unrepentant, revolutionary communist, who probably ghostwrote one of O's autobiographies. He attended the social-justice church of Jeremiah Wright, where he was preached at on collective salvation and black liberation. Illinois state senator and communism-lover Alice Palmer, picked O as her chief of staff. As a U.S. senator, he had the most leftist voting record. His wife's only source of American pride came in her 40s as a result of O's own success. He was endorsed by the Communist Party in 2004, and in 2008 Obama got CPUSA's endorsement again, basically running on the CPUSA platform. (And yes, CPUSA have endorsed him again for 2012!)
     And this was before the campaign and presidency. Does his bio reflect incompetence or something more sinister? Does his journey sound like one of an all-American or an anti-American?
In his own words, during the campaign:
Sept, 17 2007 to SEIU:
"[Y]our agenda's been my agenda[.]"
November 2007 to ACORN:
"I've been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career."
December 2007 addressing ACORN and other community organizations:
"[W]e're going to be calling all of you in to help us shape the agenda, We're going to be having meetings all across the country with community organizations so that you have input into the agenda for the next presidency of the United States of America."
January 5, 2008 to SEIU
"I've been working with the SEIU before I was elected to anything ... We are going to paint the nation purple with SEIU. SEIU, I'm glad you are with me. Let's together change the country. SEIU! SEIU!"
January 17, 2008
"[I]f somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can, it's just that it will bankrupt them...under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."
May 16, 2008 in Oregon:
"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK...That's not leadership. That's not going to happen."
June 3, 2008 in St Paul Minnesota
"This was the moment -- this was the time --when we came together to remake this great nation"
July 13, 2008 to La Raza:
"[W]e rise and fall together as one people...And together, we won't just win an election -- we will transform this nation."
October 12, 2008 to Joe the Plumber:
"I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
October 30, 2008 at the University of Missouri, Columbia:
"We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America[.]"
     How many Marxist groups will he share agendas with before it's apparent? How many times will he say he wants to change, remake, or fundamentally transform America before we believe he wants to?
     Almost everything Obama says and does is a scripted, controlled, and choreographed event. The man causes relentless instability, yet it is all planned. We know where his ideas come from: the George Soros-funded, Hillary Clinton-founded Center for American Progress and Joel Rogers' Apollo Alliance with help from its ex-Weather Underground co-founder, among others.
     As president he's appointed the following foxes as hen house guards:
  • A former SEIU member who kind of agrees with Mao...as manufacturing czar.
  • A former commissioner of Socialist International, eco-profiteer, and CAP board member...as global warming czar.
  • An ACORN defender and Obama's private attorney...as ethics and transparency czar.
  • A revolutionary communist...as green jobs czar.
  • A power-lusting control freak longing to delimit choices...as regulatory czar.
  • An anti-capitalist Chicken Little peddling junk science...as science czar.
  • A man who thinks terrorists represent the legitimate needs and grievances of ordinary people...as counter-terrorism czar.
  • An anti-Israel "poverty breeds terrorism" theorist...as U.S. ambassador to the U.N.
  • A woman who believes that Congress can abridge free speech and another who thinks the court of appeals is where policy is made...as Supreme Court justices.
  • An SEIU VP, activist for the Working Families Party, and political director for Bertha Lewis, the head of ACORN's New York chapter...as director of the office of public affairs to help push the president's agenda.
  • A man who gives guns to drug cartels while allowing them to smuggle drugs in, who refuses to protect our borders while litigating any state which tries to defend its own as and turns a blind eye to voter intimidation...as attorney general.
  • A woman worried about white right-wing extremists while she has Grandma groped at the airport...as homeland security chief.
  • A woman who proposes that the U.S. has the right to protect "Palestine" from Israel...as a foreign policy adviser.

For more ...

Friday, September 2, 2011

Impeach the traitor

from Brian's Meandering Mind
July 13, 2011

President Barack Obama organized and put into motion Project Gunrunner. Attorney General Eric Holder, one of his very first appointments and most loyal staff members,intentionally gave false statistics to the American media. This is the same Attorney General who at the bidding of the president also helped limit the power of the First 

to read full article