By Timothy N. Baldwin, JD
April 6, 2010
In a recent article on World Net Daily,[1] it was reported that Congressman Phil Hare (D – IL) admitted on video that he did not care whether or not the U.S. Constitution granted authority to the federal government to execute the recently-passed Health Care law. He openly acknowledged that he does not even know where the constitution grants the authority. Hare tells those constituents asking him questions on the matter, "I don't worry about the Constitution on this to be honest.”[2] That Congress does not worry about the limits of the Constitution is obvious by their actions. Here, we see the subjective intent and motive to ignore the constitution that they swear an oath to uphold.
For many generations the nature, character of form of government as operated under the federal constitution have been completely annihilated from their original ratification by the states from 1787 to 1791. Despite each federal and state politician swearing an oath to uphold the Supreme Law of the Land (which does not equate to federal laws, by the way), our laws and system of government today literally contradicts what it was intended to be when the constitution was ratified.
The reasons for this contradiction are many: lack of (true) education and a host of disinformation; indifference to the principles of the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God; the evils and corruptions of politicians who prefer the luxuries of power, money and sex over free society and government; the dearth of diligence by the states to check the federal government; bad faith has replaced good faith in following the limits placed upon government; and so on. In short, for politicians, the problem can be summed up this way: their oath to uphold the Supreme Law of the Land means nothing.
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