Tuesday, August 30, 2011


By Timothy N. Baldwin, JD
April 6, 2010

In a recent article on World Net Daily,[1] it was reported that Congressman Phil Hare (D – IL) admitted on video that he did not care whether or not the U.S. Constitution granted authority to the federal government to execute the recently-passed Health Care law. He openly acknowledged that he does not even know where the constitution grants the authority. Hare tells those constituents asking him questions on the matter, "I don't worry about the Constitution on this to be honest.”[2] That Congress does not worry about the limits of the Constitution is obvious by their actions. Here, we see the subjective intent and motive to ignore the constitution that they swear an oath to uphold.
For many generations the nature, character of form of government as operated under the federal constitution have been completely annihilated from their original ratification by the states from 1787 to 1791. Despite each federal and state politician swearing an oath to uphold the Supreme Law of the Land (which does not equate to federal laws, by the way), our laws and system of government today literally contradicts what it was intended to be when the constitution was ratified.
The reasons for this contradiction are many: lack of (true) education and a host of disinformation; indifference to the principles of the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God; the evils and corruptions of politicians who prefer the luxuries of power, money and sex over free society and government; the dearth of diligence by the states to check the federal government; bad faith has replaced good faith in following the limits placed upon government; and so on. In short, for politicians, the problem can be summed up this way: their oath to uphold the Supreme Law of the Land means nothing.

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Anti-American President

from American Thinker
August 19, 2011By Boyd Richard Boyd

Obviously something is rotten on Pennsylvania Avenue; no intelligent American president would do the things Obama has done.  There has been talk of his inexperience,  incompetence, or just plain stupidity to explain his Bizarro-administration.  However, Obama is not incompetent; he is an intelligent anti-American president.  Obama is not a failure at his job -- his job is the failure of our country.
Liberty-minded folk have several reasons why we assume another person is incompetent rather than malicious.  One reason is our belief that a person is "innocent until proven guilty"; another is the natural presumption others are similar to ourselves.  Unfortunately, these ideas have been coupled with a pair of dangerously pragmatic moral equivalencies foisted upon us all: "Who am I to judge?" and "They couldn't possibly mean that."  As long as there is any possibility that Obama is just in over his head and doesn't mean what he says and does, many will excuse him on those grounds.
Every American must judge Obama and his ideas and understand he does mean what he says, and realize there is no excuse, save one -- Barack Obama is an anti-American in thought and deed.
Obama gets dreams from his socialist father.  His mother was a fellow traveler.  Obama lived in anti-American Indonesia as a child.  Later, granddad decided Obama needed a Communist mentor.  O got into Harvard on the recommendation of anti-Semitic Khalid al Mansour, an adviser to Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal.  In college O chose his friends carefully -- "the more politically active black students, foreign students, Chicanos, Marxist professors and structural feminists."  As a professor he taught Marxist Saul Alinsky tactics, and as a constitutional scholar he believed that there are fundamental flaws in the Constitution, such as restraint on governmental power.  As a community organizer and counsel he pushed sub-prime mortgages which helped buckle our economy.
He's a trench-mate with voter-fraudsters ACORN and quasi-commie SEIU.  He had house parties and sat on boards with an unrepentant, revolutionary communist, who probably ghostwrote one of O's autobiographies.  He attended the social-justice church of Jeremiah Wright, where he was preached at on collective salvation and black liberation.  Illinois state senator and communism-lover Alice Palmer, picked O as her chief of staff.   As a U.S. senator, he had the most leftist voting record.  His wife's only source of American pride came in her 40s as a result of O's own success.  He was endorsed by the Communist Party in 2004, and in 2008 Obama got CPUSA's endorsement again, basically running on the CPUSA platform.  (And yes, CPUSA have endorsed him again for 2012!)
And this was before the campaign and presidency.  Does his bio reflect incompetence or something more sinister?  Does his journey sound like one of an all-American or an anti-American?
In his own words, during the campaign:
Sept, 17 2007 to SEIU:
"[Y]our agenda's been my agenda[.]"
November 2007 to ACORN:
"I've been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career."
December 2007 addressing ACORN and other community organizations:
"[W]e're going to be calling all of you in to help us shape the agenda, We're going to be having meetings all across the country with community organizations so that you have input into the agenda for the next presidency of the United States of America."

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Burgess doesn't rule out impeachment to stop Obama's agenda (UPDATED)

Tristan Hallman
thallman@dallasnews.com 11:07 AM on Tue., Aug. 9, 2011  

     Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Lewisville, didn't rule out pursuing an impeachment of President Barack Obama in a town hall meeting.
     The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports that when an attendee of the Monday tea party event in Keller suggested that the House use impeachment proceedings to tie up Obama's agenda, Burgess said there is "no question" that such a course of action would accomplish just that.
     When asked about the comments afterward, Burgess said he didn't know what the charges for impeachment would be, but didn't back off his statement.
     "We need to tie things up," Burgess said. "The longer we allow the damage to continue unchecked, the worse things are going to be for us."
     Burgess also defended his vote in favor of the debt deal signed by Obama despite some tea partiers accusing him of caving in.
     UPDATE: When asked to clarify his comments Tuesday, Burgess said he would not advocate for impeachment proceedings.
     "When the gentleman asked me that last night, I was trying to honestly answer his question," Burgess said. He said that he sees more effective ways to tie up Obama's agenda by procedural means.
     Oversight, he added, is the proper role of Congress.
     However, Burgess said that had Obama exercised the 14th Amendment to unilaterally increase the debt ceiling, as some suggested he do, impeachment proceedings were a possibility. Obama was wise to reject that questionably legal option, Burgess said.
     Continued U.S. involvement in Libya without Congressional approval that is required by the War Powers Resolution would have also been an impeachable offense, Burgess said, but Congress already chose its course of action -- an expression of disapproval.
     "Congress kind of passed on doing anything about that," Burgess said. "Does it stick in my craw that the administration thought that it was not necessary to come back to the Congress and talk about what they were doing and what the justification was and where they hoped to end up as a consequence of this? Yeah, it's still bothersome."

For more...

Friday, August 5, 2011

On the subject of OBAMA’s TREASON: Mike Lermen’s letter to Nye County Nevada Sheriff Tony Demeo

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011 

Certified mail #:7008 0500 0000 5667 6569

Dear Sheriff Anthony DeMeo,

Preface: Quoting from the ‘Office of the Sheriff’ article you have posted on your web site:

The Office of Sheriff evolved of necessity. Were it not for laws which require enforcing, there would have been no necessity for the Sheriff. All times and all places have generated those who covet the property of their neighbors and who are willing to expropriate this property by any means. As such, man’s quest for equity and order gave birth to the Office of Sheriff. The County Sheriff is a peace officer entrusted with the maintenance of law and order and the preservation of domestic tranquility.


Also making note that you said, in a video I recently saw, that your dad taught you to “honor the constitution” for it is the foundation for your office and that you derive your powers from the people.

Sherriff, I am approaching you regarding a constitutional crisis that is placing our nation at the brink of civil war. You may be one of the only peace / law enforcement officers left who may be honorable enough to help defuse a rapidly escalating nightmare that puts this nation at the brink of destruction. 

The constitutional crisis of which I am speaking involves several high ranking officials in the US government who have committed Treason and other high crimes that have set our nation up to be destroyed both domestically and internationally  through economic and military actions taken by foreign powers and domestic traitors . 

These officials are currently being protected by extremely corrupt or timid judiciary, Attorney Generals and District Attorneys in all 50 states who have, so far, been able to block over 3000 lawsuits and many attempts to bring this matter before other Grand Juries in other states even to the point of retaliating by force and abuse of process against those attempting to report theses high crimes, treason and obstruction of justice.  

How does this involve you?

As the highest and possibly last honest law enforcement officer who can stop this crime wave by these domestic enemy/ criminals the injured parties are asking for your help. They need to have unobstructed access to a sitting, lawful Grand Jury so that the witnesses and injured parties may bring forth the evidence of the corruption, crimes and treason and have the protection of your office to insure their affidavits, prima facia evidence, videos, audio recordings, documents, facts, law and evidence can be viewed and heard in a court of record by a lawfully sitting grand jury without obstruction. These bad characters have unlawfully ascended to power and have kept power by force and unlawful means. US Attorneys and District Attorneys have been ordered by these corrupt power elitists to not allow this matter before a jury preventing the grand jury from examining the evidence and assessing those who need to be indicted.  Our nation needs to be protected from their plan to bring this nation down. We need to be able to use the true law of the land to prevent the criminals from executing their war plan against our precious nation. I know that this is a very big request but so much is at stake. If this matter and the testimony of witnesses does not get before a sitting grand jury we are all in jeopardy. 

if you can spare some time, I would very much like to come up to your office and have a face to face meeting and give you some more details as well as have you talk by phone to one of the witnesses/injured parties – a retired naval officer that will be presenting evidence.

Our system of law requires that the Courts be able to hear the reports of high crimes and treason and be able to act on the lawful evidence presented before them to stop the crime before the criminals can do any further harm.

for complete article(and video)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

We The Stupid

from American Thinker
August 1, 2011Ann Barnhardt
I stand here in abject stupefaction.  The so-called "right" or "Tea Party" in this republic is being so thoroughly rolled and defeated that I am struggling to come up with an adequate violent submission metaphor that does not involve prison rape . . . and they honesty think that they're "winning."  Really?  You call this winning?
  • - Obama gets over $2 Trillion to spend before the 2012 election
  • - There are no real spending cuts
  • - There is a massive tax increase effective January 1, 2013
Obama is going to be handed something in excess of $2 Trillion -- and he has made it perfectly clear that he will spend every penny of it before the November 2012 election.  That's why he kept saying, " . . . so we don't have to do this again", meaning raise the debt ceiling again.  The debt ceiling would only need to be raised if all of the money had been spent.  Therefore, he has stated very clearly that he will spend every penny of any debt ceiling increase.  He is going to burn through $2 Trillion-plus in the next sixteen months.  This was the Obama regime's plan from day one.  Geithner appeared before Congress in early May and told them this in no uncertain terms.  This outcome has been a known quantity all along.
There are no spending cuts in this plan.  It is all accounting fraud.  Saying that you are not going to spend money in Afghanistan ten years from now is not spending cuts.  Even if you accept the $1 Trillion in cuts over ten years propaganda, that is only $100 Billion per year, which is essentially meaningless relative to the size of the problem.  Furthermore, even a miniscule uptick in interest rates, which given the massive debasement of our currency is now a mathematical certainty, will completely consume that $100 Billion per year.  It's all a joke. 
Back to the $2 Trillion that Obama is being handed.  I honestly think that most people in this country have no understanding of simple counting numbers.  Do you not understand how much a trillion is?  Where do you think this money is going to come from -- who has two trilliondollars to loan us?  China?  Nope.  Not even close.  China's entire GDP is only $6 Trillion.  Do you honestly think that China is going to loan us one third of their total annual economic production?  China was a huge creditor to us back when $100 Billion was considered a staggeringly large amount of money - which was four years ago.  Now $100 Billion is literally a rounding error.  Do you realize that there are only a handful of nations of this planet that even have a GDP in excess of $2 Trillion?  If these countries loaned us every penny of their GDP, it wouldn't even be $2 Trillion:
Canada ($1.57 T)
India ($1.54 T)
Russia ($1.46 T)
Are you starting to understand the scope of what we are talking about now?  Obama is going to embezzle considerably more than the entire economic output of Canada, India or Russia to his cronies before the 2012 election -- and that is just counting this round of spending.  This doesn't include the other $5 Trillion he has already burned through since 2009.
China is not going to lend us this money because they simply don't have anything close to that much money to lend.  This $2 Trillion is going to come from the Federal Reserve.  Where is the Federal Reserve going to get $2 Trillion?  They are going to print it out of thin air.  We are in the midst of the largest currency debasement ever seen in human history.  There is only one result that can come of currency debasement:  hyperinflation and total economic and societal collapse.
Have you also forgotten the so-called "Bush tax cuts"?  Yeah.  Those rates are going to expire on January 1, 2013.  Obama will presumably still be occupying the Oval Office at that time assuming that he is not forcibly removed or that the Republic is still intact at that time.  Taxeswill increase significantly at that point, and the Congressional Budget Office has scored everything put before them given the fact of the massive tax increases on 1/1/2013.  Do you understand that?  When these Republicans and even these so-called "Tea Party Freshmen" tell you that there are no tax hikes in their "plan," they are consciously, willfully, knowingly lying to you through their teeth.
Finally, I do not understand how it can possibly be that conservative writers are still addressing Obama as if he is actually trying to help the economy, but his well-intentioned policies are failing. 
Obama is the enemy.  Obama is a Marxist-Communist usurper and puppet front for a cabal of Marxist-Communists who are actively trying to destroy the United States of America.  Everything they have done, are doing, and will do has the single goal of collapsing and destroying the U.S. economy, military, constitutional government and culture.  What part of "Marxist Revolution" do you not understand? 
The Obama regime is not a failure.  The Obama regime is not incompetent.  The Obama regime has achieved more in two and a half years than anyone could have possibly foreseen.  It has debased the currency by 50% of the GDP and guaranteed that our economy will collapse.  It has looted the Treasury for more than the size of a top-ten economy and embezzled that wealth into the hands of their fellow Marxists in preparation for the final collapse of the United States.  It has ground the economy of the United States to a screeching halt.  It has destabilized the entire Muslim world and ensured that there will be a nuclear war centered around Israel within the decade. 
The Obama regime has no interest whatsoever in "stimulus" or "getting folks back to work."  How can you not understand this?  How can we possibly win this war if we refuse to come to terms with the fact that we are in fact fighting a war.              
God save the United States of America, because the people are far too stupid to do it themselves.   

to read original article and comments  

Monday, August 1, 2011

Clyburn dares Tea Party to try impeaching Obama

Let's see, we need to raise the debt ceiling so we can continue to borrow money and pretend to have budget cuts by cutting the massive projected increase in spending.  That's right, as usual there are no decreases in our current spending, only we increase the spending not quite as much and we'll call that a cruel and heartless budget cut.  Yes, Clyburn we'd like to see that impeachment speech too.---rng

from thehill.com
By Alicia M. Cohn 07/28/11 10:55 AM ET
Rep. James Clyburn, the third-ranking House Democrat, on Wednesday dared Tea Party colleagues in Congress to bring threats to impeach the president to the House floor.

"I would love to see that speech," Clyburn (D-S.C.) said on MSNBC.

Rep. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) has said that the president invoking the 14th Amendment to raise the debt ceiling would be "an impeachable act," but Clyburn said he'd love to debate that idea on the floor.

"I want you to vote for impeachment of this president because he refused to let this country go into default," Clyburn said he would tell Tea Party Republicans.

Clyburn, the assistant minority leader in the House, has urged President Obama to draw up an executive order that would allow him to raise the debt ceiling without congressional authority rather than bow to Republican demands if an unacceptable deal reaches his desk. 
to read complete article